WKÖ- Kopf congratulates AMS board members Petra Draxl and Johannes Kopf on their re-election

2023-09-14 13:30:32

Reappointment ensures continuity – tackling challenges in the labor market in a targeted manner

Vienna (OTS) “With Johannes Kopf as chairman of the board and Petra Draxl as another board member, there are two proven experts at the head of the labor market service for the future term of office. “I warmly congratulate both of them and look forward to further, constructive cooperation,” says Karlheinz Kopf, Secretary General of the Austrian Economic Chamber, welcoming the confirmation of the previous board duo. The AMS Board of Directors appointed Petra Draxl and Johannes Kopf today for the term of office from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2030. We have worked very well with both board members in the past.

The WKÖ General Secretary therefore hopes “that it will be possible to address the problems on the labor market in an even more targeted manner”. Ultimately, the labor shortage remains a major problem. “We need an even stronger focus on targeted placement, including across federal state borders, and we need to expand the successful labor market instrument of company-related qualifications. It’s regarding providing unemployed people with precise training where our companies have specific needs,” says Kopf.

“We have already achieved a lot here in recent years, but the challenges on the labor market are not getting any less. I am therefore pleased that we at the top of the AMS have the appropriate expertise to tackle these challenges,” said Kopf. (PWK297/DFS)

Questions & Contact:

Sebastian Winter
Austrian Chamber of Commerce
Spokesperson for the Secretary General
T 0590900 4462
E sebastian.winter@wko.at

#WKÖ #Kopf #congratulates #AMS #board #members #Petra #Draxl #Johannes #Kopf #reelection



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