Menopause… You were far from imagining that it could look like that. Testify.

2023-09-14 10:33:22

The Société Éditatrice du Monde wishes to present in its publications a selection of testimonies, in the form of writings, photographs and videos (hereinfollowing referred to together or separately as “Contribution(s)”) which are freely submitted to it by Internet users.

Content of the Contribution

Your Contribution must comply with current legislation, in particular the law of July 29, 1881 on freedom of the press, articles 9 and 9-1 of the civil code on the right to privacy and respect for the presumption of innocence and the provisions of the intellectual property code. No Contribution contrary to the law may be published.

Careful spelling and formatting are required (no texts in capital letters, no abbreviations or “SMS” type writing).

You must be the author of the texts, photographs and videos that you offer as part of your Contribution, or have the authorization of their author for their publication under the conditions defined here. The name of the author must always be mentioned, as well as the date and place where your photographic or video documents were taken and write a descriptive caption.

Your Contribution must be signed with your first and last name. Requests for anonymity in the event of publication will be examined by the editorial staff of the Société Éditrice du Monde on a case-by-case basis.

The publishing company of Le Monde reserves the right to refuse any Contribution, or to delete any Contribution previously published, for any reason whatsoever, in particular if:

  • it is contrary to the law (racism, call to violence or hatred, defamation, pornography, pedophilia, sexism, homophobia, etc.).
  • it is contrary to the rules of conduct of and other publications concerned (bad spelling, comments not in accordance with the requested subject, sloppy form, etc.).
  • its subject or its form is of little interest to readers, the Sociétépublisher du Monde being the sole decision-maker in this regard.
  • it has already been proposed and published or it is similar to recently published testimony.
  • it contains the representation or designation of a natural person who can be identified, in particular a minor.
  • it contains the representation of a work that may fall under the copyright of a third party without the authorization of the latter.
  • it contains photographs or videos of insufficient technical quality (blurred photos, unreadable or poor definition videos, inaudible soundtrack, etc.), with the Sociétépublisher du Monde being the sole decision-maker in this regard.

Rules applicable to the Contribution

By participating in this call for testimonials, you authorize the total or partial publication of your Contribution on the website Le, in the daily newspaper Le Monde, in M ​​le Magazine du Monde and/or on any other publication or site where the Company editor of Le Monde publishes editorial content (Facebook, Twitter, Digiteka, Instagram, etc., throughout the world, for the duration of operation of the publication concerned.

The publishing company of Le Monde is free to publish or not the Contributions proposed to it.

Your response to the call for testimonials, as well as your authorization for the possible exploitation of your Contribution, are granted free of charge and cannot give rise to any remuneration or gratification or payment of any nature whatsoever, for any reason. whether it be.

The information collected in the questionnaire is recorded in a computerized file by the Société Éditatrice du Monde, and communicated only to the journalists at the origin of the call for testimony and to the technical teams in charge of managing the processing.

They will only be used within the framework of this call for testimonies. The data associated with a Contribution is kept for a maximum period of two years. You can access the data concerning you, rectify it, request its erasure or exercise your right to limit the processing of your data, withdraw your consent to the processing of your data at any time.

To exercise these rights or for any questions regarding the processing of your data in this system, you can contact

Visit the website for more information on your rights.

#Menopause.. #imagining #Testify



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