Overcoming the Challenges of Family Medicine: The Struggle for Vocation and Quality in the Specialty

2023-09-13 20:39:52

Study Family medicine and not having a vocation is a difficult equation to solve. It turns out that the vocation of MIR students who want to specialize in Family Medicine is being overwhelmed in many cases by the conditions in which the specialty finds itself. There is nothing more to see than the data. During these last two years it has been necessary to open an extraordinary period to try to fill the places, and, even so, in In 2022 there were 93 unassigned places, and 131 in 2023.

Clara is a young woman who I wanted to choose the specialty of Family and Community Medicine, but he faced opinions that made him change his mind: “The doctors I asked told me verbatim It didn’t even occur to me to choose family“. Clara was tormented by having five minutes to treat a patient and that everything would remain on paper. “Taking care of 50 people a day is crazy.” It seemed “horrifying” to her that the patient might come to think that with so little Time had not given him time “to even listen to it.” Finally, he opted for the specialty of Allergology.

Maria Domingo He is 25 years old, and has gotten a place in the specialty he always wanted, Family Medicine: “It was one of my options since I started my degree.” Even though the family was on the podium of its possibilities, his idea came to wobble. “The current situation made me rethink whether the specialty was truly worth it to me or not.” He will be at the Hospital Poniente in Almería, on his land, where he will spend his next four years.

The lists of allocation of places show that the specialty It fills up when there are no others. Is it chosen by vocation or because “there is nothing else”? Domingo believes that, even though in his case it was by vocation, “there is a higher percentage of people who choose the family specialty in order not to repeat the MIR or because it is the only one that remains, rather than by vocation.” .

Vicente Baos He has just retired following 39 years practicing as a family doctor and numerous students have passed through his practice. He says that during his career he has encountered everything, from motivated people to those who “had no other choice.” “The Spanish reality has been so disappointing and so frustrating that it is causing the disinterest of the studentswho do not see that their future is attractive along those lines.

Maria Lazaro She is another student who has obtained a place in the specialty she longed for, Traumatology. She maintains that at no time did she consider the possibility of opting for Family Medicine, since “she has a very poor quality of life and a lot of paperwork has to be done.” Furthermore, she states that half of the patients are sick leave or electronic prescriptions for medications, and “I didn’t study medicine for this.” Several of her classmates did choose Family, although it was not because they loved it, but because they did not get the best grade. A story that repeats itself, choosing a specialty by discarding it due to not having the necessary grade for the specialty to which they aspired.

MIR family places offer

In the last two calls (21/22 and 22/23) there have been empty places. In the first, despite the fact that two fewer were offered compared to the previous year, 93 vacancies remained and 29 resigned. In the last, 119 more places were offered, but 131 in total have been left unfilled, so it can be said that the increase in places has not attracted new students.

had not been seen a similar figure for almost ten years, when in 2014 108 places were deserted. A report published by the College of Physicians (OMC) explains that what happened then was due to the 2013 cut-off grade, a problem that does not coincide with the current one. Some of the causes behind the current problem are: the care load in Primary Care, the working conditions of the MIR group, the system for choosing places in Specialized Health Training or the resignations of MIR places, according to the analysis.

Leave the square

Family Medicine is the specialty with the most offer, while It is the option with the most vacancies and a higher abandonment rate, with an average of 45 places per year since there are published records (17/18). Since then, 892 places have been abandoned in total., of which 225 belong to MFYC, that is, 25% of the renounced places belong to Family. The specialty will present a deficit of more than 10% by 2028, according to the report published by the Government in 2022.

For the 23-24 call, 37 more places have been offered for Family Medicine compared to the previous year, that is, 2,492 in total. But Is increasing places the solution? You might say that it is like putting a band-aid without first disinfecting the wound. Michael Morenoresident family doctor (R3) and member of the MIR Association (AME), explains that “the problem is not solved only by expanding the number of places, but by hiring your doctors,” because “they do not offer adequate conditions for accept the positions that need to be filled”.

Serving 50 people a day is crazy


There is no vocation that can withstand shit“Increasing Family Medicine places is an absolutely empty measure if it is not accompanied by something else,” Baos states forcefully. What can happen is that “the places end up in the hands of people who have no interest whatsoever, which would cause generations of worse doctors, both in scientific quality and in human quality, because they would not be interested in being there. Is that fixing something? On the contrary, it is digging deeper into the wound,” says Vicente Baos.

One of the many problems that the specialty faces is the unattractive shown in college. Miguel Moreno, from the MIR Association, explains that at his university rotating in Family is not mandatory: “If you get it, it is by lottery.” For Miguel: “If you like medicine, you like Family Medicine”, however, It is a specialty that has lost recognition. “They are not treating her well, and it is very important, it is the gateway.” Not rotating in Family does not help the specialty recover the vocation of the students: “If they do not know it, they cannot value it adequately.”

“That there are still universities where it is not mandatory to teach the specialty seems unacceptable to me, because If you don’t know her, you can’t love her either.”, insists Vicente Baos. Who criticizes that “teaching continues to be in many cases fragmented and absolutely erroneous. The university has a lot to learn and reconsider.”

Baos indicates that, since the 2008 crisis, There was a slowdown in health investments and an “accelerated” decline began. “They have been talking all their lives saying that healthcare is the key to the system, but the reality is that they have not worked along those lines,” she points out. “If you want the population to have good quality medical service at their disposal at all hours, you not only have to double the positions, you have to triple the budget.” He comments that currently the resources are “insufficient”, and that “the only thing they are going to achieve is to overload people, overwhelm them, tire them out and as soon as they can they leave, with which we further deteriorate the system and enter a kind of circle vicious with no way out. The bet is lip service, they do not take the issue seriously either at the government or regional level“.

Students do not see that their future is attractive along these lines

Vicente Baos

30% of the unallocated places in 2023 are in Castile and León. Miguel is in his third year of residency at the University Hospital of León, and explains that one of the reasons why this autonomy is not covering his places is economic: “We earn less than in other CCAA“We lose an average of three euros per hour on call, which is almost 200 per month.” He says that in 2020 an agreement was made to try to equalize the salary at the state level and that it was not a compelling reason to decide, but ” In Castilla y León it has not been fulfilled, in other communities it has.”

Castilla y León has some of the towns, like other regions, that face the medical desert. According to a WTO study, in recent years the Health Services have detected difficulties in recruiting doctors in some areas of Spain, especially in rural areas. This issue is not exclusive to here, but is an emerging problem at the European level due to changes in the medical demographic cycle and the general population, and it is warned that this problem will increase in the next decade.

This study carries out an exhaustive analysis of the current situation and shows that 91% of the representatives of young doctors of the General Council of Official Medical Colleges (CGCOM) consider that medical deserts are a problem in their province, and furthermore, 44.4% believe that residents are used unjustifiably to alleviate the situation.

There is no vocation that can withstand shit, increasing Family Medicine places is an empty measure

Vicente Baos

Family and Community Medicine is one of the specialties that may be most affected due to desertification. Some of the possible improvements that the report points out are: greater exposure to rural areas during medical training, specialized health training adapted to rural areas, and improvement of working conditions and infrastructure.

The analysis also highlights that increase the number of places MIR in the calls It is not a positive proposal. The study shows that, especially in the latest calls for MIR positions, the increase in the number of positions is not linked to filling positions that are difficult to fill, but rather advances the problem of desertification to the training stages.

The crisis that the specialty of family medicine has been going through for years is not a coincidence, but rather a causality of the bad decisions that have been made over recent years. Why don’t applicants choose it? Why is it discarded or chosen as the last option? Bad conditions, low salaries or lack of presence at the university are some of the responses. A branch in which there is a necessary supply but less demand than desirable.

#Serving #people #day #crazy



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