Revolutionary Oral Covid-19 Vaccine: Administering Vaccines Under the Tongue for Effective Disease Control

2023-09-13 17:17:50

Scientists are currently studying new methods for the possibility of administering “Covid-19” vaccines orally, specifically by placing them under the tongue, instead of subcutaneously, to facilitate the management and control of the disease.

There are many blood vessels in the mucous membranes in the floor of the mouth area under the tongue, and the cells of the immune system absorb the vaccine and transport it quickly to all parts of the body without spoiling it, compared to if it entered the stomach.

A study conducted by scientists at the Biomedical Institute in Japan, on animals, revealed that an experimental vaccine taken orally proved successful in confronting the “SARS-CoV-2” virus that causes “Covid-19” without noticeable side effects, and the results were published on Wednesday. , in the journal “Biological Methods and Protocols.”

According to the study, the best way to neutralize viruses is before they can enter human cells, but they are only on the outer surface of the epithelial cells that line and produce mucus in the lungs, nose, and mouth.

A specific class of antibodies known as “immunoglobulin A” works in the mucus and can inactivate viruses. However, the production of specific antibodies for a specific virus must first be stimulated by vaccination, because the speed of this process will better prevent the disease.

Since the Corona virus, like influenza, infects bronchial cells, researchers believe that it is important to stimulate the secretion of “immunoglobulin A” specific to the virus antigen in the mucous membrane and not in the blood.

Recently, scientists have developed vaccines that are administered through alternative routes, such as the nose or mouth, and these vaccines are more effective in stimulating “immunoglobulin A” than those given through traditional subcutaneous vaccinations.

Although doctors have used nasal vaccines in clinics, they have found that they tend to cause side effects, such as headache and fever, on the central nervous system or lungs.

In the new study, researchers examined a new vaccine once morest SARS-CoV-2 designed to stimulate the immune system to produce immunoglobulin A orally (under the tongue) in monkeys.

The results proved that this method worked, and the animals used to test produced the necessary antibodies once morest the disease without noticeable side effects.

The researchers revealed that this indicates that with further research, clinics may soon be able to offer oral vaccines once morest the Corona virus, which will be more popular and more successful once morest the disease.

According to the research paper, the new vaccine, which is taken under the tongue, revealed reasonable effectiveness and high safety without affecting the brain. In primates, humans, and monkeys, the sublingual area has broad characteristics and can easily receive vaccination rather than the nasal area.

The researchers considered these results to be positive and considered an introduction to further study into the safety and effectiveness of vaccines in the future.

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