Survey: AfD in Brandenburg ahead of all other parties for the first time

2023-09-13 19:09:00

The RBB reported this on Wednesday evening, citing the so-called Brandenburg trend on behalf of rbb24 Brandenburg aktuell and Antenne Brandenburg.

The SPD, which has been in power for more than 30 years, only got 20 percent – 2 percentage points less than in the previous survey by Infratest-dimap in April. The AfD gained 9 percentage points compared to the previous survey.

The CDU landed at 18 percent (-5), the Greens achieved 8 percent (-1). According to this status, the Left would also be represented in the state parliament with 8 percent (+1) and BVB/Free Voters with 6 percent (+1). The FDP is at 4 percent (-1) and would currently fail at the five percent hurdle, as it did in 2019 and 2014.

1160 eligible voters surveyed

For the representative survey, 1,160 eligible voters in Brandenburg were surveyed from September 8th to 11th. The statistical error tolerance was not specified by the RBB.

Election surveys are generally always subject to uncertainty. Among other things, weakening party ties and increasingly short-term voting decisions make it more difficult for opinion research institutes to weight the data collected. In principle, surveys only reflect the opinion at the time of the survey and are not predictions of the election outcome.

A survey by the market and opinion research institute IFM from May 22nd to June 1st saw the ruling SPD and the AfD still tied at 24 percent on the Sunday question.

In the 2019 state election, the SPD became the strongest force in the state parliament with 26.2 percent of the vote, followed by the AfD with 23.5 percent. The next state election is in September 2024.

In the same month there will also be elections in Saxony and Thuringia. In both countries, the AfD was also ahead in recent surveys.


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#Survey #AfD #Brandenburg #ahead #parties #time



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