Understanding the Long-Term Consequences of COVID-19: Impacts on Health and Daily Life

2023-09-12 21:02:54

04:00 PM

The bug that infected the bodies of millions of people around the world left consequences that are increasingly clear. Although the majority of people who developed covid-19 recovered completely, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) this year, approximately between 10% and 20% of the population experience consequences left by this virus. long and short term.

Although the research is preliminary, some conditions that occur following having this virus, known in this case as “long-term Covid,” have already been established.

To know more: Covid-19 is still active, do not let your guard down and take care of yourself in the rainy seasons

Prolonged symptoms, according to the WHO, can come and go or even reappear over time. One of the most common is the feeling of fatigue. Feeling lacking energy and motivation. This may be related to the physical effort and emotional stress caused by the disease and the pandemic in general.

Just like fatigue, not having enough motivation can lead to apathy. Entering a state of disinterest and lack of motivation or enthusiasm in the face of any external stimulus.

“I think there is also a social PTSD related to Covid: we were not designed to see humans suffer,” he said. “If you suffer from it, recognize that it is a wiring problem: PTSD literally rewires our brains and our bodies. If you’re feeling triggered and talking isn’t working, it’s time to see a therapist. There’s no shame in seeking help,” said Dr. Cynthia Ackrill, a stress management expert and member of the American Institute of Stress.

Apathy can be accompanied by cognitive dysfunction, according to the WHO. For example, confusion, memory loss, or lack of concentration and mental clarity. “The post-Covid-19 condition can impair the ability to carry out daily activities such as working or doing housework.”

These sequelae are usually diagnosed three months following having suffered from the disease, since the symptoms begin to appear or persist for at least two months.

Other symptoms related to the consequences of covid-19 are:

1. Dyspnea or difficulty breathing.

2. Memory, concentration or sleep problems.

3. Persistent cough.

4. Chest pain.

5. Difficulty speaking.

6. Dolor muscular.

7. Loss of smell.

8. Depression or anxiety.

9. Fever.

People with a post-Covid-19 condition may have difficulty functioning in daily life. Your condition may decrease your ability to do everyday activities, such as work or housework.

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