Detecting Hidden Heart Disease: Symptoms and Golden Treatment Time

2023-09-12 10:40:46

▲ Hidden heart disease is more difficult to detect, so it is even more important to seize the golden opportunity for treatment.

Heart attacks following exercise and even sudden death during sleep occasionally occur. These cases usually have no symptoms, but the patient actually has a high chance of suffering from hidden heart disease. Hong Kong cardiologist Dr. Ko Yiu-jun was interviewed by TOPick to break down the symptoms of hidden heart disease that may be ignored, as well as the golden treatment time following the onset of the disease.

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Hidden heart disease types

Dr. Gao said that latent heart disease can be divided into congenital and acquired. The former includes heart structural problems, such as cardiac hypertrophy, or some problems caused by electrical current, such as congenital arrhythmia, abnormal current flow, sudden and rapid heartbeat, etc.; and The most common of the latter is coronary heart disease, which is blockage of the coronary arteries. There is also a heart disease called Brugada Syndrome, which mainly affects middle-aged men in Asia. Patients usually have no physical abnormalities, but will suddenly die while sleeping.

Hidden symptoms

There are usually no signs of latent heart disease, but sometimes there are still some clues. Dr. Gao pointed out that patients with hidden heart disease may feel chest tightness, shortness of breath, etc. from time to time in daily life, but these problems are easily regarded as other problems and even ignored. He said that people in Hong Kong generally exercise less, and he has encountered many patients with “zero exercise”. However, he pointed out that some heart problems, such as cardiovascular blockage, can often be discovered through exercise:

You may not feel a clogged blood vessel at ordinary times, but when you exercise, you may experience problems such as insufficient blood flow, angina, chest tightness, etc. These are warning signs of illness.

golden treatment time

Dr. Gao pointed out that once occult coronary artery obstruction occurs, it is actually equivalent to acute myocardial infarction and requires “Tongbo Tsai” or bypass surgery as soon as possible. There are also relevant international guidelines.

From opening the door of the emergency room to successfully opening the blood vessel, it is called Door-to-Balloon time in English, that is, from opening the door of the emergency room to the successful opening of the blood vessel by the balloon, preferably within 90 minutes.

As for some hereditary or electrical problems, he pointed out that many patients may already have cardiac arrest as soon as they become ill. Sometimes we can only hope that there is someone on the scene who knows how to provide first aid, and that there are external defibrillators available in nearby places such as shopping malls. Otherwise, the chance of recovery is very low. Since the heartbeat stops, the heart will stop pumping blood, causing the brain to be deprived of oxygen. The time is more urgent than “Tongbo Zai”:

Cerebral ischemia (lack of oxygen) and “no blood” can sustain it for a shorter period of time than the heart. Basically, it will die in regarding 10 minutes. Therefore, if a patient faints at home and no one knows regarding it, even if the rescue is successful and the patient’s heartbeat and blood pressure are restored, he may become a vegetative state.

Reduce the chance of illness and disease

Congenital or hereditary diseases may not be preventable, but acquired heart problems are not inevitable. To reduce the chance of illness and disease, Dr. Gao suggested that even if there are no symptoms, the public can have regular physical examinations to see if they have three high blood pressure problems; if they have a smoking habit, it is recommended to quit smoking to prevent it in the bud.

He also recommended that the public do more exercise on weekdays, pointing out that exercise can not only maintain physical health, but also has a detection effect, allowing people to detect blood vessel blockage or other physical discomforts earlier.

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Reporter: Chen Huiling

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