Vaca Muerta SMEs seek to shorten payment terms

2023-09-12 18:11:35

On the occasion of the Argentina Oil&Gas Expo 2023, the secretary of the Federation of Business Chambers of the Energy Sector of Neuquén (Fecene), Daniel Gonzalez highlighted a difficulty that the SMEs of Vaca Muerta are going through. These are the payment schemes, which They may take up to 120 days from the time the service is provided. “what affects the profitability” of SMEs.

«Today a serious problem that SMEs have is financing and high rates. Yese is paying in 70, 90, 120 days, which causes profitability to be lost. We are all in negotiations because with double-digit inflation like that of August it is impossible to support those payment terms,” ​​he stressed in dialogue with Energía On in the live interview cycle of the Diario RÍO NEGRO.

«We are all with that problem on top of us. Let’s hope it is resolved with the new authorities«, he expressed. The macroeconomy “in general is affecting us at all levels. We had a lot of work, especially with the Import System of the Argentine Republic (SIRA),” he commented.

«Our clients were affected but We have a good dialogue with foreign trade and authorizations are coming out that were in queue and the new ones. “It was something critical and we needed help to unblock them,” he said.

Beyond the macroeconomic context, «we with Vaca Muerta cannot complain because the dynamics that the economy is having in Neuquén is not seen in other provinces. We are calm that almost all the candidates consider that It is a genuine source of foreign exchange income«, which in some way ensures the industry.

Currently the federation It is made up of six chambers: «Adineu, the Construction Chamber, two oil services: Casepe and Ceipa; Acipan; and the last one to join was Ceisa de Añelo, which brings together companies in the industry,” he explained.

Currently, job opportunities for SMEs in Vaca Muerta “are very high. We are working on the Hydrocarbon Value Chain Development Law, also known as the Buy Neuquén Law, he indicated. In total, swith 450 companies linked to the industry and “it covers almost the entire network. “We have achieved an interesting synergy,” she highlighted.

At the same time, the Fecene maintains dialogues with other chambers to address certain demands that cannot be covered «We are trying to have an orderly entry. We have indicated what the demands are like. And in some cases there is good complementarity. For example, in the metal mechanics industry in Córdoba. We are not closing ourselves but we are seeking to have a controlled entry«he explained.

«Our goal is that a good part of the income remains in Neuquén«he commented. These 450 companies employ around 30,000 employees in the region if the construction, commerce and oil services sector is added.

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