Investigation into the Marchienne-au-Pont Double Homicide: Charges, Penalties, and Family Background

2023-09-12 14:59:00

A double homicide occurred this Sunday late followingnoon in Marchienne-au-Pont, in the province of Hainaut. A 22-year-old stabbed his mother and brother to death, and tried to attack his father. The latter was also injured. He was arrested this Monday evening in Brussels when he was planning to take a train to reach France and placed under arrest warrant.

Also read Double homicide in Marchienne-au-Pont: the young man who killed his mother and brother was placed under arrest warrant

We now know the charges once morest him and the penalties he might face, as Amelie Di Vincenzo, deputy of the King’s Prosecutor in Charleroi, explains to us: “The accused was charged with homicide once morest his brother, parricide once morest his mother and attempted parricide once morest his father.”

Parricide, the murder of the father or mother, might increase the sentence of the young man. “IThis is a murder with the aggravating circumstance that the acts were committed once morest a parent. This results in an increase in the sentence that may be incurred by the accused… namely life imprisonment.indicates the substitute of the Charleroi King’s Prosecutor.

An act of premeditation?

Was the author under influence or had he premeditated his action? “At this stage, it is too early to be able to say whether it was premeditated, whether he was under the influencesays Amelie Di Vincenzo. The investigation will provide the elements necessary to determine this. A toxicological expertise was ordered by the investigating judge, as well as a mental expertise.”

Mental expertise is a classic duty in such a case, as our interlocutor explains to us.” This allows the accused to be seen by a psychiatric expert, an expert psychologist. They will be able to determine whether the accused was, at the time he committed the acts, in an altered state or not.she explains.

A complicated family environment

“At the current stage, we cannot yet determine the reasons which pushed the accused to commit the acts. He mentions relational difficulties with his mother in his childhood, he also speaks of a recent friendly disappointment. But as for the passage to the act and the reasons which pushed him, at that moment, to commit the acts, it still remains unclear.”

Marchienne-au-Pont double homicide
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