Hergovich: Lower Austria needs new economic policy

2023-09-12 15:02:06

Boehringer-Ingelheim’s withdrawal from Bruck an der Leitha is a catastrophe for the region

St. Pölten (OTS) “The withdrawal of Boehringer-Ingelheim from Bruck an der Leitha is a catastrophe for Lower Austria as a business location. The cancellation of the largest business settlement in Lower Austria makes a complete reassessment of economic policy necessary: ​​the investments of more than a billion euros, the 800 jobs but also the increase in wage levels in the region would have had a massively positive impact on the region. The state now needs to take measures to prevent damage to Lower Austria as a business location,” says Sven Hergovich, State Control Councilor and Chairman of the SPÖ Lower Austria.

“The fact that the federal and state governments have been watching inflation rise and rise for months is just as damaging to the economy as the lack of intervention in energy prices, which is making Austria’s production more and more expensive. It is urgently necessary to finally seriously combat inflation at the federal and state levels in order to prevent further damage to the business location. The cuts in AMS training must also be reversed in order to continue to invest adequately in our skilled workers. Now no stone can be left as old. Old issues must be addressed and a detailed analysis must be made as to why Lower Austria is falling behind as a business location. All parties and social partners need to join forces in order to secure a quick and, if possible, equivalent alternative investment for the region and thus jobs. “A creeping deindustrialization and the associated loss of prosperity in Lower Austria must be prevented with all our might,” concludes Hergovich.

Questions & Contact:

SPÖ Lower Austria
Daniel Steinlechner
Press spokesman
+43 650 4919830

#Hergovich #Austria #economic #policy



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