Revolutionary Solutions for Dialysis and Intensive Care in Egypt: Insights from the Population Conference

2023-09-11 13:21:00

Amal Allam wrote Monday, September 11, 2023 04:21 PM

Dr. Ahmed Saafan, Head of the Therapeutic Medicine Sector at the Ministry of Health and Population, said during his participation in the Population Conference that a number of solutions were reviewed for the problems of intensive care and nurseries in Egypt and the problems of dialysis patients.

He added that unconventional solutions that have an impact on patients have been proposed in the ambitious plan by 2030-2050, explaining that a radical solution to the problem of dialysis in Egypt will be found, and it will be restructured and mechanized to alleviate the suffering of dialysis patients in Egypt.

During conference sessions

He explained that the total government spending that the state spends on kidney failure patients exceeds 4.5 billion pounds, due to the lack of mechanization of this system, adding that the patient is tied to one specific place where he undergoes dialysis throughout his life, and sometimes the patient does not find another place where he can perform dialysis. Among other problems, there is a large gap between dialysis patients who receive dialysis in government and private hospitals.

The Minister of Health witnesses the Population Conference sessions

He stressed that with the fluctuation in dollar prices,… Hemodialysis It is no longer feasible in private hospitals, and currently we are unifying the method of governmental and private dialysis, by mechanizing the governmental and private dialysis system, so that patient data appears at the level of the entire republic, while providing all the patient’s dialysis requirements, and they are disbursed from the Ministry of Health and Population, and sent to The place that the patient chooses to wash, week by week, through control and governance of the system to ensure the efficiency of the session. Therefore, the patient can choose any private or government hospital to wash in at the state’s expense, and a program will be designed on the mobile phone in which he chooses the place. Whoever wants to do laundry for free at the expense of the state and health insurance.

He said that the problem of nurseries and intensive care in Egypt will be solved through two proposals. The first is to build specialized hospitals for intensive care, but when we studied them, we found that they are not useful, because intensive care requires many services in the hospital, and currently we are designing intensive care with High density of beds, and one intensive care unit in one hospital contains 100 beds, and we are exploiting the capabilities of the Ministry of Health to benefit from the beds, but we face a problem, which is the trained human resources in care and nurseries, and currently we are cooperating with civil society and the private sector to help us operate these units, which are What is called an “intensive care bed complex,” or what is called a “hub,” with no less than 60 beds per complex.

He stressed that this will be designed in governorates that face a large population density, such as Cairo, Alexandria, and Assiut governorates, and we will begin the experiment with it in these governorates, and this experiment will be launched within weeks.

This came during the Population Conference, which was concluded by the Minister of Health and Population last day of the Assembly, in the presence of a large number of international bodies, universities, ministries, and the World Health Organization.

#Therapeutic #Medicine #Soon.. #dialysis #private #government #hospital #free



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