Discover Safety Experience Centers: Combining Education and Play to Prepare for Natural Disasters Across the Country

2023-09-11 07:02:46

Safety experience centers across the country that combine education and play
As natural disasters increase rapidly around the world,
Safety experience centers for children and youth increase
Vividly experience earthquakes, storms and floods, etc.
Learn in detail how to escape and rescue

Photo provided by Debgoeul National Safety Experience Center

Greece, which has been in the news this year due to heat waves, droughts, and massive forest fires, recently suffered from torrential rain, with a year’s worth of rain falling in one day. A forest fire that broke out on the Hawaiian island of Maui engulfed the village and caused enough casualties to be recorded as ‘the worst disaster in modern American history.’ In Hong Kong, heavy rain fell for the first time in 139 years, engulfing the entire city, and in Korea, dozens of casualties occurred due to flooding in an underground train in Osong. As the global damage caused by the climate crisis is increasing, interest in safety education for heavy rain, flooding, and forest fires is increasing. Safety experience centers, which in the past focused on traffic safety and fire prevention, now teach specific ways to deal with natural disasters such as forest fires, earthquakes, typhoons, and heavy rains, and how to escape from flooded ships and vehicles. We introduce safety experience centers across the country that you can visit with your children.

As the global damage caused by the climate crisis is increasing, there are safety experience centers where you can receive safety training on heavy rain, flooding, and forest fires. Photo provided by 365 Safe Town

Gangwon Taebaek ‘365 Safe Town’ is the world’s first ‘safety experience theme park’ that combines education and amusement facilities with the theme of ‘safety’. Learn the importance of safety and coping skills by directly or virtually experiencing various disasters and disasters. With a site area of ​​approximately 300 pyeong, it consists of a comprehensive safety experience center where you can experience disaster safety and daily safety, a fire safety experience center led by current firefighters, and Challenge World for self-defense experiences. It was designated as a safety experience center for student safety education by the Ministry of Education because it allows students to learn how to respond to various crises, from indoor buildings to outdoors, and from man-made disasters to natural disasters. Disasters that can be experienced at the Comprehensive Safety Experience Center include forest fires, snow damage, storms and floods, earthquakes, and counter-terrorism. Experience each disaster as vividly as in reality in five 4D experience centers. They become a special forest fire extinguishing team and raise safety awareness through activities such as extinguishing forest fires in a helicopter simulator and riding an emergency rescue boat through heavy rain and strong winds to rescue people in a flooded city. Learn how to respond to accidents such as being trapped in an elevator or car trunk, a fire at a karaoke bar, or an airplane crash landing. At the Fire Safety Experience Center, you can experience all the specific situations related to fire. How to escape from a high-rise building with three or more floors during a fire using a fire escape, how to escape from a dark room filled with electric power outage and fire smoke, how to extinguish the initial fire situation using a fire extinguisher, cardiopulmonary system to save people in an emergency situation You can learn resuscitation (CPR), etc. In addition, you will learn how to tie knots, use vertical ladders, and cross valleys, which are helpful in times of crisis during outdoor activities such as hiking and camping. Befitting its nature as a ‘theme park’, it is equipped with amusement facilities such as zip lines, sky jumps, cable cars, and kids’ lands, so many people other than locals visit as a family tourist attraction.

Photo provided by Sejong Special Self-Governing City Office of Education Safety Experience Education Center

Sejong Special Self-Governing City Office of Education Safety Experience Training Center
It consists of 12 experience centers where you can experience everything from traffic safety when using bicycles, subways, and cars to large-scale disasters such as earthquakes, storms, floods, aviation, and ships. As it is a facility of the Office of Education, dispatched kindergarten, elementary, and middle school teachers participate as educational instructors to help increase the educational effectiveness of experiential activities. You can experience an earthquake, know what to do when an earthquake occurs indoors or outdoors, and experience evacuation to an outdoor shelter. You can also experience a typhoon firsthand and learn how to escape a flooded vehicle. Experience emergency escape methods, life jackets, and lifeboats during a ship accident, and experience how to wear an in-flight life jacket and slide emergency escape during an aircraft accident. You can learn hiking and rock climbing safety rules and even experience high-altitude crossing. If you are a family with children over 7 years old, it is a good idea to apply for the ‘Safety Experience Education with Family’ program. This is a program that tours three experience centers for 90 minutes on the weekend to learn regarding safety in earthquakes, fires, subways, aviation, and ships. A family representative can apply through the Safety Experience Training Center website ( The Safety Experience Education Center also operates a virtual reality (VR) device rental program for schools in Sejong City. Students can receive realistic experiences and safety education, such as fire escape and ship accident escape, in the classroom without visiting an educational center. Schools wishing to participate can contact the Safety Experience Education Center (044-905-0927).

Photo provided by Debgoeul National Safety Experience Center

Gwangju Metropolitan City Bitgoeul National Safety Experience Center
It operates 23 experience facilities in 8 experience zones, including mountaineering, heavy rain, and earthquake safety, and is especially specialized in heavy rain safety experiences in preparation for vehicle and building flooding accidents. Every Thursday, a ‘Children’s Safety Puppet Show’ is held for preschool children to help them become interested in safety from an early age. In the mountain safety section, you learn how to climb rocks, cross swing bridges, and cross valleys, and in heavy rain safety, you learn how to escape flooded spaces, flooded stairs, and flooded vehicles. In the earthquake safety section, you experience an earthquake in virtual reality and learn how to prepare for an earthquake collapse and survive for 72 hours. In the fire section, you will learn how to report to 119, extinguish a fire, and use an escape device to escape. Fire officials with professional qualifications, such as lifeguards, emergency technicians, and fire safety educators who worked as field crews at front-line fire stations, are assigned as experience instructors to provide a professional and realistic experience program. Reservations can be made through the Bitgoeul National Safety Experience Center website (, by phone (062-606-4804~6), or in person, and the experience center usage fee is free.

Gyeongsangbuk-do Office of Education Gyeongju Safety Experience Center
The Gyeongju Safety Experience Center, which opened at the end of last year using a closed school, has 24 experience facilities, including a disaster safety experience center, a living safety experience center, a traffic safety experience center, a respect for life experience center, and a first aid experience center, as well as a 4D video room. In addition to general programs for students and faculty, we operate a variety of programs such as family safety experience and group safety experience for general institutions. In the case of disaster safety, we learn how to deal with everything from earthquakes to storms and floods, landslides, and radioactive leaks. Learn how to use a fire extinguisher in case of a fire, how to escape from a fire shutter, and how to use a fire extinguisher. In the case of daily safety, you will experience everything from various safety accidents that can occur in elevators and at home to water play, boat safety, and mountaineering and camping safety. In the case of the Saturday family safety education experience program, reservations can be made regarding a month in advance through the website (, and it is so popular that it usually closes in regarding a minute. It consists of transportation, disaster, living, emergency response, and 4D experiences, and can be reserved for families and the general public without regional restrictions. As word of mouth spreads through parents’ SNS and blogs, it is emerging as a ‘hot place’ for experiential experiences.

Photo provided by Debgoeul National Safety Experience Center

Jeju Safety Experience Center
The Jeju Safety Experience Center features specialized experience centers for ships and aircraft, reflecting the regional characteristics of an ‘island’. You can experience escaping from ships and airplanes and feel the intensity of a typhoon with your whole body. It is characterized by the fact that firefighters who are experts in disaster scenes run the hands-on experience program. The experience center, built on one floor underground and three floors above ground, is equipped with 10 experience facilities including life safety, traffic safety, natural disaster, health and safety, storm and flood damage, and earthquake within the specialized experience zone, and 21 types of experience programs are prepared. During the summer, special education programs such as safety rules for water play and how to respond in case of drowning are operated.

Photo provided by Debgoeul National Safety Experience Center

Since opening in 2020, approximately 150,000 visitors have visited, and in the first half of this year, the number of visitors per 100,000 population ranked first in the country, making it a representative safety education attraction. In addition, the Busan Student Safety Experience Center is equipped with a water safety experience room and a ship safety experience room that reflect the regional characteristics of a maritime city, and operates various programs such as survival swimming education for elementary school students in an indoor swimming pool. It is characterized by supporting multicultural students through audio guidance in six languages, including English, Japanese, and Chinese. The Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education’s Student Safety Experience Center operates the Metaverse safety education platform ‘Safety School’, where you can learn behavioral tips and safety common sense for typhoon, tsunami, and fire evacuation without constraints of time and space. Guest reporter Kim Ari,

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