Invitation to the PK: Urgent need for action in medical training in Austria – tomorrow, September 12, 2023

2023-09-11 06:58:06

The Federal Curia employed doctors of the Austrian Medical Association presents the results of the Austria-wide medical training evaluation

Vienna (OTS) In spring 2023, the Federal Curia of Doctors employed by the Austrian Medical Association (ÖÄK) carried out the largest evaluation of medical training in Austria to date with the support of ETH Zurich. The detailed results of this training evaluation are now available.

press conference
Medical training in Austria: Urgent need for action

The Federal Curia-employed doctors of the Austrian Medical Association cordially invites media representatives to a press conference to provide information regarding the findings of the Austria-wide survey and the most important conclusions.

Your conversation partners are:

-Dr. Harald Mayer, Vice President and Chairman of the Federal Curia employed doctors at the Austrian Medical Association
-Dr. Stefan Ferenci, 1st deputy chairman of the Federal Curia employed doctors by the Austrian Medical Association
-Dr. Daniel von Langen, Chairman of the Education Committee of the Austrian Medical Association
– Prof. Dr. Michael Siegrist, ETH Zurich

We ask you to register at

Datum: Tuesday, September 12, 2023, 9:30 a.m
Ort: Press Club Concordia. Bankgasse 8, 1010 Vienna

Questions & Contact:

Austrian Medical Association
Mag. Thorsten Medwedeff
public relation
+43 1 514 06-3314

#Invitation #Urgent #action #medical #training #Austria #tomorrow #September



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