Here it all begins: The Intriguing Plot, Absent Characters, and the Anticipation for Rose’s Return

2023-09-10 15:51:38

Although the essential plot of Here it all begins is currently linked to rumors of an affair between Anaïs and chef Teyssier, the character of Rose, played by Vanessa Demouy, is conspicuous by her absence. The actress said a little more about the future of the director of the Master.

It’s a soap opera that fascinates. Here it all begins, the TV series which has made a big and beautiful place for itself alongside Tomorrow belongs to us on TF1, captivates viewers to the highest degree. Since its launch on November 2, 2020, the series has been entitled to many intrigues, each as engaging as the next. Key characters have unfortunately left the soap opera, such as Maxime Delcourt played by Clément Rémiens, or even more recently the beloved couple Greg and Eliott.

However, new faces have appeared to compensate for the absence of the late actresses and actors. Despite the recent arrivals at the Auguste Armand Institute, these are two emblematic characters from Here it all begins who are currently at the heart of the main plot: Anaïs and Chef Teyssier. Only the two characters (and the viewers) are aware, but Anaïs helps her father-in-law manage his obligations despite his illness which is taking up more and more space. However, Teyssier does not want this to be known, and rumors of an affair between Anaïs and him began to circulate.

Vanessa Dumouy “She will have to come back”

The main plot is thus occupied by Anaïs and the director of the Armand Institute but one question is on everyone’s lips: what about the return of Rose Latour? The character of the director of the Master, played by Vanessa Dumouy, left overnight for Barcelona, ​​but missed the start of the Institute. Which greatly worries viewers. As a reminder, Rose’s departure took place after she separated from her companion, Antoine Myriel. She had decided to go to Barcelona for 3 weeks, remaining quite vague about her motivations.

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But while a man now seems to be part of her life there, according to the last episode, a question arises: will Rose come back? And about this man: did she know him before leaving? Was he the one who motivated her to leave everything behind? Vanessa Dumouy slightly enlightened Tele-Leisure on the future of his character: “The public will discover it in the following weeks his return to the Institute. Because after missing the start of the school year, she will have to come back”, confided her interpreter. So let fans of the series rest assured: Rose’s return should not take long and will leave room, for the occasion, for great revelations. A little more patience.

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