Press: the Sunday battle

2023-09-09 10:00:00

Reserved for subscribers

MEDIA LETTER. “La Tribune” launches on Sunday once morest Geoffroy Lejeune’s “JDD”, “Le Parisien” and “L’Équipe”. Enough to bring the French back to newsstands?

Pair Olivier Ubertalli

From October 8, 2023, there will be four national daily newspapers on newsstands on Sundays.  (Illustrative image)
From October 8, 2023, there will be four national daily newspapers on newsstands on Sundays. (Illustrative image)
© RICCARDO MILANI / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP

QWho said the press was in crisis? Few newspapers make money. Newspaper kiosks and points of sale are closing like crazy. And yet… A new battle is opening in the national Sunday press. Recently bought by the rich and powerful maritime carrier CMA-CGM of Rodolphe Saadé, The Tribuneentirely digital media since 2020, is preparing to launch a weekly paper, La Tribune Sunday. It will have around thirty pages, with a first print run of 120,000 copies for its first issue on October 8. “This project was mentioned from the first discussions with Rodolphe Saadé last February. This is regarding offering our readers a complementary offer, less B to B (business to business). We want to play a central role…

#Press #Sunday #battle



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