Key Results of G20 Summit in New Delhi: Admission of African Union, Compromise on Ukraine, Global Infrastructure, Climate Protection, and More

2023-09-10 11:18:05


As of: September 10, 2023 1:31 p.m

The summit of the 20 leading industrialized and emerging countries in New Delhi almost failed due to a dispute over how to deal with the war in Ukraine. A compromise might help. The key results of the summit at a glance:

Admission of the African Union

Probably the most important result of the summit is the admission of the African Union (AU) as a new member. The AU includes 55 African states and represents the interests of around 1.4 billion people. This means that Africa and the so-called global south will be significantly more strongly represented in the G20 in the future. So far only South Africa was a member.

Compromise on the war in Ukraine

Unlike last year’s summit in Bali, the Russian war of aggression is no longer expressly condemned. Instead, reference is only made to relevant United Nations (UN) resolutions – and generally to the territorial integrity of states, i.e. the inviolability of borders. The compromise in the final declaration, which was agreed to by both the West and Russia and its partner China, prevented the summit from failing.

Global Infrastructure

On the sidelines of the summit, the European Union, the United States and partners launched a huge rail and shipping project. It is intended to better connect Europe, the Middle East and India and is seen as an answer to China’s “New Silk Road”.

Climate protection

Climate activists classify this Final declaration of the summit as unambitious. Instead of a clear commitment to quickly phase out coal, oil and gas, only “inefficient” subsidies for climate-damaging fossil fuels should be eliminated.

The G20 also reiterates its goal of becoming climate neutral by the middle of the century. However, it is said that “different national circumstances” must be taken into account. However, the goal of tripling the capacity of renewable energies by 2030 is viewed positively.

International financial order

According to the US government, US President Joe Biden tried in New Delhi to win over partners for greater financial support for poorer countries. Among other things, this is intended to expand the World Bank’s capacity to lend to poor countries.

Germany announced 305 million euros of hybrid capital for the World Bank. According to Finance Minister Christian Lindner, this is a special bond class with “leverage effect” that is intended to enable the World Bank to increase the lending volume for states.

World food and grain agreements

In keeping with Russia’s spirit, there is the G20 call to ensure “prompt and unhindered supplies of grain, food and fertilizers/additives from the Russian Federation and Ukraine.” Moscow is calling for Western sanctions once morest Russia to be relaxed for its exports of agricultural products.

In that case, the agreement to ship Ukrainian grain across the Black Sea, which was terminated by Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin in July, might also be renewed. “This is necessary to meet the needs of developing and least developed countries, particularly those in Africa,” the document says.

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