Unlock the Power of Vitamin D for Optimal Bone Health and Wellness

2023-09-09 19:45:00

No protection once morest broken bones, dementia and cancer – not much remains of the former promise of vitamin D. And yet there are many for whom taking it might be worthwhile.

Very low levels of vitamin D in the blood are associated with an increased risk of falls.

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To be honest: you would have liked a different result. Both René Rizzoli and Reto Kressig admit this openly. Completely without vitamin D, Medicine has known this for almost a hundred years, the bones become soft and brittle. It is also undisputed that a severe deficiency weakens the muscles of old people – they are more likely to fall. 800 units, IU, daily recommends the Federal Nutrition Commission EEK Therefore, people aged 60 and over should take it.

#benefits #vitamin



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