Preparing for the Future: Embracing Technology and Continuous Development with Sherif Arafa

2023-09-08 21:18:44

of the. Sherif Arafa

In the past, people had enough time to get used to and adapt to any change that technology brought regarding in their lives. After the invention of the steam engine, humanity lived for 100 years until the telegraph was invented!
Today, in a glimpse of time, we have witnessed the emergence of mutations that have changed people’s lives more than once in a relatively short period. There is a generation that witnessed the emergence of satellite channels, the personal computer, the Internet, mobile phones, then smart phones, and “social media”… and each one. It has made a tangible difference in people’s lives.
But what regarding tomorrow? In the book “The Normal Future: How We Will Live, Work, and Prosper in the Next Decade,” authors Rohit Bhargava and Henry Coutinho-Mason review how life in the near future will be very different from our lives as we know it. Researchers expect that developments may be too fast for us to keep track of them. We talk regarding applications of artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, self-driving vehicles, 3D printing, quantum computing, nanotechnology, virtual reality, or what researchers call the “fourth industrial revolution” that may change the labor market, the shape of daily life, and relationships between humans.. How can we Preparing for this new era?

1- Be optimistic
Although most science fiction literature and films warn us regarding the future, the invasion of robots, and the brutality of technology, reality does not fully support this perception. In the future, with the spread of technologies such as CRISPR, stem cells, or nanorobots, we can see a scientific revolution in medicine that will treat many diseases that we consider incurable today. Despite their shortcomings, means of communication and social media have brought you closer to your loved ones than what happened in the recent past. .
Do not meet any change that occurs with automatic, instinctive rejection because you are not accustomed to it. Rather, be optimistic and celebrate that you are witnessing a new page in the development of human civilization.
Being optimistic and hopeful increases the ability to resist stress and improves mental health in general.

2- Focus for a longer period
One of the necessary psychological skills we need in the digital age is to increase the ability to resist distraction. In a report published by Microsoft Canada in 2015, they said that the average attention span has become approximately 8 seconds, compared to 12 seconds in the recent past!
Although researchers disagree regarding the number, the problem is real. Someone who is accustomed to watching short, exciting videos will get bored watching a long, serious video, and someone who is accustomed to short emotional tweets will get bored of reading a large academic book.
So train yourself to focus on one thing for long periods of time… either by practicing mindfulness meditation, reading a long text, or watching a documentary with concentration, and not giving in to short clips, turning off notifications to focus on work… etc., because any success requires perseverance for periods. Long, don’t leave tasks quickly due to boredom!

3- Continuous development
According to Carol Dweck’s studies, having a “growth mindset” is the key to success in life. That is, you get used to constantly evolving and learning. This mentality is no longer a luxury or a choice, but rather a necessity in the new era simply to maintain the status quo.
In the past, the artist used to learn to draw and continue to practice the same techniques throughout his life. Today, however, many technologies have appeared one following another, programs, coloring, digital drawing, and artificial intelligence tools, which made keeping up with them a necessity to work quickly and efficiently, and then maintain his profession as an artist!
We no longer have the luxury of not constantly developing our skills. Let development be a normal lifestyle. Allocate one day a week to attend an online course, learn to use a new application, or follow developments in your field.

4- Calm down
Just as you must constantly develop, you must also rest so that you do not burn out psychologically. In this era, development will be so rapid that some may stop pursuing it. You will focus on some developments and not others, and you will not be able to learn everything because your energy is limited and today is only 24 hours…so calm down!
Focus on one area, set a logical schedule for your daily tasks, and do not neglect time for rest, calm, and relaxation.

#Mental #health #tomorrows #world.. #prepare #future



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