Ali Bongo’s Exile: Negotiations for Moroccan Asylum and Return to Democracy in Gabon

2023-09-08 08:48:00

General Brice Oligui Nguema announced Wednesday evening that the former president of Gabon, Ali Bongo, was now free to move and allowed to travel abroad. This decision opened the way for negotiations regarding the exile of the deposed president in Morocco.

Shortly following the announcement of the election results on August 30, the military terminated Ali Bongo’s functions. Since then, the former president has been under house arrest. However, General Brice Oligui Nguema, who took power in Gabon following Bongo’s overthrow, declared on national television on Wednesday evening that Ali Bongo was now free to leave the country.

This release comes as Central African President Faustin-Archange Touadéra, ECCAS mediator, visited Gabon to facilitate a return to democracy and dialogue between political actors to find a peaceful solution to the crisis.

During his visit to Libreville, the Central African president held a meeting with the head of the Gabonese transition, Brice Oligui Nguema. They deliberated on the prospect of Ali Bongo’s possible exile in Morocco.

The proposal came in the context of the historical relations and close ties forged between Rabat and Libreville over the decades. The solid diplomatic friendship which unites Gabon and Morocco has laid the foundations for fruitful cooperation in various fields, notably political and economic. It is in this context that the possibility of Moroccan asylum for the former Gabonese president was considered.

In addition, President Touadéra called for scrupulous respect of the Gabonese Constitution and the prompt organization of credible elections. He also wanted to express his solidarity with the Gabonese people, affirming his full support for ECCAS initiatives aimed at preserving stability and security in the region.

#exile #Bongo #Morocco



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