Survey: inflation, insecurity and economic uncertainty, the three issues that worry

2023-09-07 23:49:00

With monthly inflation already reaching double digits in the city of Buenos Aires, the sustained increase in prices is undoubtedly the issue that most worries a large part of the Argentine population. This is confirmed by a recent survey by the consulting firm D’Alessio IROL/ Berenssteinwhich shows that more than 92% of those consulted stated that it emerges as the biggest problem on a day-to-day basis.

The data corresponds to a measurement carried out online in August, which included the responses of 1,835 respondents over the age of 18 from across the country.

The view of the economic situation is pessimistic: compared to the previous year, the expectation shows a fall for voters of all political forces.

Source: D’Alessio IROL/ Berensztein.
D'Alessio IROL/ Berensstein.
Source: D’Alessio IROL/ Berensztein.

Pessimism predominates, above all, among the voters of La Libertad Avanza and Juntos por el Cambio: for them, the negative evaluation reaches 95% and 90% respectively. Expectations for next year are also declining and only half of the voters of the ruling party – 53% – believe that the situation will improve in 2024.

Regarding the main problems to be solved, 92% of voters are concerned regarding the inflationbeing the unsafety the problem that is located in second place with 73% and, in third place, lto economic uncertainty which increased 9 points this month (from 69% in July to 78% in August).

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The concern regarding the increase in prices crosses “voters of all spaces,” analyzes the consultancy.

“While those of Unión por la Patria are concerned regarding the adjustments that the Government must make for the payment to the Monetary Fund (66%) and the impunity of acts of corruption during the Macrista government (52%), the voters of Juntos for Change and La Libertad Avanza are concerned regarding economic uncertainty (89% and 80%, respectively), insecurity (96% and 89%) and impunity for acts of corruption during the Kirchner government (76% and 73%)” , details the survey.

Perhaps as a consequence of this economic situation and also of insecurity in the streets, the approval of the national government discharge fell 9 points in one month – in July it was 25% and in August 16%, D’Alessio remarks – “and it reaches the lowest figures since he came to power, even among supporters of his space, where he reaches 46% disapproval”, he points out the consultant.

D'Alessio IROL/ Berensstein.
Source: D’Alessio IROL/ Berensztein.

Inflation in CABA in August averaged 10.8% and rose 3.5% following the devaluation

Road to October: image of the candidates for the general elections

The candidate of Together for Change, Patricia Bullrich, heads the ranking of the image of the candidates, with 47% positive image, followed by the candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, with 40%. Sergio Massa, the Unión por la Patria candidate, reaches 24%.

D'Alessio IROL/ Berensstein.
Source: D’Alessio IROL/ Berensztein.

Regarding the results of the PASO, 47% believe that we are experiencing a rupture of the system of the two majority parties, especially the voters of La Libertad Avanza, at 83%.

On the other hand, 42% believe that in October the two main forces – Together for Change and Unión por la Patria – will recover votes in the election.

D'Alessio IROL/ Berensstein.
Source: D’Alessio IROL/ Berensztein.

Dollarization, yes or no?

50% of those surveyed believe that it is not possible or desirable to dollarize the Argentine economy, a proposal supported by the economist Javier Milei and which has already generated mixed opinions even among his own economic advisors.

Among the voters of the ruling party, the idea is rejected by 92%; in Together for Change, the majority also rejects it (48%), although 38% think it is desirable but “impracticable”.

Meanwhile, 73% of libertarian voters believe that the country’s economy can be dollarized.

AG / Gi

#Survey #inflation #insecurity #economic #uncertainty #issues #worry



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