Violent Robbery at University Hospital of Monterrey: Assailant Shoots Himself Escaping

2023-09-07 19:45:36

The event occurred on the busy Madero Avenue, right in front of the University Hospital of Monterrey, Mexico. The subject entered the clinic and violently demanded the employees to give him the money collected during the day.

Armed and determined, the robber threatened the employees with his pistol, creating an atmosphere of panic in the area. When the workers resisted complying with their demands, the criminal, in an attempt to demonstrate his seriousness, fired a shot towards the roof of the clinic.

However, the story took an unexpected turn when the thief tried to escape from the place. In a moment of confusion and desperation, the offender pulled the trigger of his weapon again, but this time the shot did not go towards the ceiling but instead inflicted a bullet wound on one of his legs.

Despite the painful injury, the assailant managed to limp to the University Hospital, located a few meters from the scene of the robbery, to seek medical attention and hide from the law.

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Minutes later, Monterrey Police officers, alerted by the chaos, managed to arrest him inside the hospital. The thief, still limping and injured, could not elude justice. He is currently in the custody of local authorities, facing charges of aggravated robbery and illegal possession of a firearm.

On the other hand, forensic experts are carrying out detailed investigations inside the medical laboratory clinic in order to collect evidence that will be included in the corresponding investigation folder. The authorities are committed to fully clarifying this shocking incident and bringing the culprit to justice.

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