Affordable Subscriptions Empowering Young Adults and Seniors to Choose Public Transport Over Cars: A Success Story in Walloon

2023-09-07 16:30:00

Subscriptions at €1 per month for 18-24 year olds, 65 year olds and over, beneficiaries of BIM status and large families seem to delight many commuters, announced this Thursday the cabinet of Walloon Minister Philippe Henry.

Indeed, we can already speak of a real success since the launch of this offer. “Recall that the operationalization of this measure for these audiences took place on September 1, 2022, so we will have to wait until autumn 2023 to have complete figures, including the peak of subscriptions which takes place in August-September”, we say to the minister’s office. “Nevertheless, the first data is very encouraging! »

235,000 subscriptions sold

In total, 800,000 of these subscriptions were sold in 2022, including 235,234 by the management of Liege-Verviers alone. “This is excellent news and these figures demonstrate the relevance of this measure taken by the Walloon government at the instigation of environmentalists. »

By targeting 18-24 year olds, there is a desire to get people used to using public transport so that they later choose a soft option rather than the car.

Oliver BierinWalloon Deputy

For the Walloon MP Olivier Bierin, it is a success that can be further amplified, especially among young people. “By targeting 18-24 year olds, beyond the social interest, there is also a desire to get people used to using public transport so that their choice of mobility later turns towards a soft option. rather than the car. This quasi-free service and the arrival of the tram and the busway in Liège are complementary in making public transport attractive and desirable: choosing to travel by bus or tram in an urban environment rather than by car must become natural”, declares the Walloon deputy.

#sold #LiègeVerviers



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