School insurance: there is no escaping it

2023-09-07 05:15:00

What benefits to expect? Our advice at the time of subscription. And also: the French saved more in the second quarter.

Rubric headed by Laurence Allard

School insurance: there is no escaping it

EIt is not obligatory! However, when your child goes to the canteen, to study, participates in optional activities, outings or green classes, snow or sea, takes part in an extracurricular activity, does internships or language trips… school, college or high school will ask you for the precious sesame at the start of the school year. Insurance that is not useless. Far from it ! It also covers your child during school holidays.

Did you think you were exempted from it because you have civil liability cover in your home insurance contract? This is only partly true. The latter covers bodily injury or material damage that your child may cause to others, but, unlike school insurance, it does not protect your child from the same damage, whether he is responsible or not, if he is injured alone. , if something also happens to him on the school-home journey.

Even if it is in theory optional, some establishments – in particular in the private sector – leave you no choice and claim it within a few days of the start of the school year.

What insurance to take out? Some companies, such as the MAE, offer you the possibility of subscribing to a specific contract, others, of adding the school insurance option to your multi-risk home insurance. “The latter formula is often less expensive, explains Ralph Ruimy, co-founder of Acheel, a 100% digital company created in 2020. A third less. » Insurers offer it for less than 10 euros per year per child (9.48 euros at Acheel), once morest 13 euros for the MAE or 12 euros for Allianz, for example. This cost is per child, knowing that there is no decreasing rate for large families.



This is the number of students to return to school.



This is the average amount of refunds.

Vigilance! The price difference can be justified by additional guarantees. In addition to the basic formula, some insurers cover guarantees once morest racketeering, cyberbullying, tutoring courses, reimbursement of expenses with a psychologist, etc.

Whether it is an option or a contract itself, taking out school insurance is quick. It is done 100% online.

How to make school insurance work in the event of a claim? The establishment director draws up a complete and precise accident report within forty-eight hours.

Two scenarios:

– your child is responsible, you must request this report and send it to your insurance whose civil liability will cover the damage;

– your child is a victim, you must collect this report, have the injuries recorded by a doctor using a certificate and send these two documents to your insurance company within five days to have the bodily accident cover work. “Remember to keep everything relating to the costs incurred following this accident (treatment, social security and mutual insurance accounts, etc.”), recommend Ralph Ruimy§


French people worried

It’s not the government’s business: households saved more in the second quarter. The savings rate (as a percentage of gross disposable income) rose to 18.8% according to the latest figures from INSEE, up 0.6 points from the previous quarter. “The French have on average not touched the pot built up since the start of the health crisis”, analyzes Philippe Crevel, director of the Circle of savings. Firstly because, due to wage increases, their purchasing power has generally held up once morest inflation. But mainly because they have reduced their consumer spending (– 0,5 %).

Record. Households favor precautionary savings and in particular the livret A and the sustainable development booklet (LDDS). Total outstandings on the two products amounted to 547.4 billion euros at the end of July. A historical record. The guarantee given by Bruno Le Maire that the rate of remuneration of 3% – even in the event of a drop in inflation – will be maintained until 2025 confirmed them in this choice.

“Households are also increasingly turning to term deposits to the detriment of life insurance or home savings plans”, relieves Philippe Crevel§


#School #insurance #escaping



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