Challenging Inaccurate News: The Truth about Imprisonment for Student Absences

2023-09-07 01:55:23

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The writer, Khaled Al-Sulaiman, commented on the news of the imprisonment of a student’s guardian because his son was absent for 20 days without an excuse.

imprisonment and absence

Al-Suleiman said in his article titled “No Imprisonment for Absence” published in “Okaz” newspaper: I do not know what is the source of the news of the student’s guardian being imprisoned when he is absent for 20 days. If it is confirmed news without associating it with any support from an official in the Ministry of Education or the justice agencies, and often its source is a comment by a lawyer on social media or the media.

professional responsibility

And he added: It is not surprising, because if this inaccurate news spread in the whirlwind of the local media, which is riddled with rumors and dazzling news, then there is no blame on the external means of communication and media, but the media here bear a professional responsibility in checking their news and indicating their sources before publishing.

Excitement and fame

And he continued: Absence in itself is not a reason for imprisonment, but rather negligence that may result in absence, such as being prevented from going to school or refraining from issuing identification papers that enable children to enroll in school, and this is subject to procedures related to child protection laws, not education, and linking it to absence as an unjustified basis. , especially if the goal is to seek excitement and fame.

News sources

He pointed out: If I find it strange that foreign accounts and media are flying in the omelet without scrutiny, then there is no excuse for local media and news outlets and accounts that are supposed to be closer to news sources and easier to verify.

accountability for absence

He continued: “Diligence by publishing the opinions of lawyers and adapting their statements to the maximum limits of child protection laws and dropping them on the issue of accountability for absence is unacceptable and lacks professionalism, especially if it causes harm to society and distorts the image of the country,” adding: “In short, the scourge of news is its narrators!”

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