HiPeKids in Nice celebrates the five years of its (successful) model of learning English differently

2023-09-06 16:30:00

The French have a poor level in English. It’s not Carmina Catena, founder of the online English school HiPeKids in Nice in 2018 who says so, but the studies carried out on this subject. 85% of French people do not have the B2 level required at the end of terminale. A level that corresponds to an “advanced” understanding of the language.
From an English mother, a French father, Carmina Catena holds a Bachelor’s degree in applied linguistics and knows the importance of the English language in today’s society. “Between three and six years old, you can have a mother tongue background”she insists.

native accent

Mean by this that with a teacher with a native English accent, we can learn the language as if it were that of our parents. “Only, with thirty students per class and different appetites and motivations, explains the founder of HiPeKids, difficult to learn a language properly. Especially since it takes a communicative and non-grammatical approach. With native-accented teachers. This is essential and not often the case in France.” The idea then came to him to create a school to learn English differently. In 2017, she got closer to Mehdi Benrahhalate, a friend, and in 2018, they opened their platform, from Nice, with 25,000 euros, their goodwill and their address book: Carmina Catena taught English for twenty years and was a consultant for Cambridge University.


Online English lessons for 3-18 year olds. All levels and above all, taking into account all the neuroatypical. “It’s really our strength: the hyper-personalization of our learning formulas. Children with high potential, dyslexia, with an autistic disorder… we know how to do it. We have qualified teachers to adapt to each child.”

HiPeKids also takes care of adults who must pass a TOEFL or TOEIC, expatriates who must learn the language before taking up a position in Australia, England or elsewhere. But the heart of the clientele remains the children with monthly formulas of 4, 8 or 12 lessons per month and per family.
In 2018, the startup started with twenty clients and three teachers. Today, it has more than 5,000 customers year-round. “This represents some 500 families each month, 60% of whom entrust us with at least two children.” To keep the machine running, 60 teachers collaborate with the team now made up of around ten employees. “We plan to recruit another 60 by the end of the year to meet the demand.”

Spain and Italy targeted

Respond to demand and above all absorb Carmina Catena’s projects! In the nails, a new platform, completely revamped and a mobile application within two months. “From 2024, we are opening the platform to Spain and in 2025, we hope, Italy. In these two countries, the place of tutoring [payer des cours supplémentaires, ndlr] is twice as large as in France, which is kind of our test market.” Passed test !
For now, place to recruit new teachers. By the boss herself, then validated by Colette, the study director. Hundreds of CVs arrive every month. As much? Yes ! The reputation of HiPekids precedes it: the teachers retain great freedom in the teaching they offer following training carried out internally, and participate in the life of the structure. They can animate blogs, propose collaborative projects… All at the service of the progress of their students.

New investor?

Until last year, no bank loans were needed to grow HiPeKids. But with growth coming quickly, Bpifrance, the Réseau Entreprendre and the Village by CA Provence Côte d’Azur came to support. “We are very well supported and look to the future with serenity, smiles the boss. Since we founded HiPeKids, turnover has doubled each year to reach today 400,000 euros, 1 million targeted for the next financial year. It should be noted that an investor contacted them to further boost the momentum. Ongoing negotiations.
A great anniversary for the team which is committed to teaching English differently to each child. “We believe that our method can change something, leaving the human in the center.”

Yes, she can.

> hipekids.com/

#HiPeKids #Nice #celebrates #years #successful #model #learning #English #differently



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