The Most Effective Exercise for Longevity: Going Up and Down Stairs and Slopes

2023-09-06 18:59:03

He most effective exerciseaccording to longevity expertsis a daily gesture with benefits proven by science for extend life expectancy, live longer and better and be fit. This is confirmed by a study carried out by Gianni Pesresearcher at the Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine of the University of Sassari. It was in 1999 when the expert verified that up and down stairsas well as steep slopes or hillsit’s a clear indicator of longevity. This is explained in a chapter of the documentary Living 100 years: the secrets of the Blue Zones (Netflix) led by the writer Dan Buettner visiting those areas of the planet with longer life expectancy in search of the lifestyle factors that they have in common and that explain this longevity.

The most effective exercise: going up and down stairs (and slopes)

That going up and down stairs is recommended is nothing new –it is another way of exercising–, but it is striking that there is a direct correlation between the steepness of the land and longevity. As Pes explains, in one of those Blue Zones, specifically in the region of Barbagia in Sardiniaits centuries-old inhabitants exercise without realizing it because, among other things, due to the characteristics of the terrain, they have to go up and down hills daily. He came to this conclusion following interviewing 300 centenarians and determining that the slopes of this town and their steepness are a longevity factor because, among other things, walking on them is a challenge. additional energy expenditure. If to that it is added that also climb at least 30 steps a dayAmong other things because they live in houses with two or three floors, everything fits. Moreover, in the study The Blue Zones: areas of exceptional longevity around the world of 2013, carried out by Pes in collaboration with Michel Poulain and Anne Herm, it is insisted on how the geographical characteristics and the fact of living in mountainous areas, influences when it comes to ensuring a traditional and healthy lifestyle involving intense physical activity that extends beyond the age of 80. In fact, in another of those Blue Zones, the Japanese island of Okinawa, older people walk and take care of their gardens, doing interesting work on lower body strength that also influences life expectancy. As Pes said in an interview with Preferred Magazine, his best advice to try to extend life expectancy is simple and effective: ‘Love your friends, your family members and do a lot of physical activity in the open air like climbing the Sardinian hills’.

Going up and down stairs increases NEAT

This is how the personal trainer explained it to us Sandra Lorden Alvarezin reference to that physical activity that we do during the day without counting on training and that also helps burn calories. The NEAT is the unscheduled energy expenditure and can range from walking or shopping to going up and down stairs. “All this will help us to have a higher caloric expenditure throughout the day and that, added day following day, will be key to weight loss,” explains the expert.

And helps fight cellulite

Patricia Garin, The Beauty Concept therapist in Spain, confirmed to us that the regular physical activity it’s a effective weapon once morest cellulite and precisely going up and down stairs helps. “It is a very simple practice that we should do daily, just like lowering them.” In general it is an excellent work for the lower body (legs and buttocks) and a good cardiovascular work.

The importance of taking care of the posture

As they explained to us from the sports, leisure and health center, Women’s Arsenal MadridIt is important Take care of your posture when going up and down stairs. ‘Like all physical activity, with a posture control the results are better. We must activate the core at all times and thus be able to keep the spine straight, without loading the weight forward, and checking that the scapulae are well anchored. In addition, it is also interesting to move your arms vigorously while you go up or down the stairs and in this way you activate the entire musculature of your body,’ they advise.

Article originally published in Vogue Spain,

#effective #exercise #live #longer #experts



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