Investigative Report: Exposing Drug Trade in Downtown Seoul Club – Exclusive Coverage by KBS News

2023-09-06 12:16:00


The reporters infiltrated the club to find out how drug trade is possible in the middle of downtown Seoul.

In fact, we have captured the scene of suspected drug use several times.

Exclusive report, followed by reporter Kim Young-hoon.


KBS reporters visited an Itaewon club that was seized by the police last weekend.

It was crowded from the entrance.

[“(입장료) 만원이에요.”]

Behind a stage full of people dancing, a man takes something out of his pocket and holds it to his nose.

It looks like a lipstick, but I hide it right away when I feel someone’s presence.

[최진묵/인천다르크(마약 재활센터) 센터장 : “제가 봤을때는 ‘러쉬’라는 약물 같아요. (환각) 작용 시간이 굉장히 짧아요. ‘예비 마약류’로 묶여 있고요. 마약과 똑같은 처벌을 받고 있거든요.”]

At 1:00 AM, when the party is in full swing, a suspicious situation is witnessed in front of the bathroom at the corner of the club.

Whenever the toilet is empty, two men enter one compartment together, and after about 70 seconds, they come out together.

When the reporters immediately followed and checked, there was no sign of flushing or using the bathroom.

It has been repeatedly witnessed that several people go into the bathroom together like this and come out soon.

[클럽 참가자/음성변조 : “제 생각에는 ‘케타민’이라는 약을 했다고 생각을 하고, 동물에 쓰이는 (약물을) 증류를 해서 흡입하는 것으로 알고 있습니다.”]

At 2:00 in the morning, people at the club scramble to take off their tops.

It’s something you don’t see in regular clubs.

[고 모 씨/마약 경험자/음성변조 : “(마약 투약을) 오래 하게 되면 덥긴 해요. 마약을 해서 (윗통을) 벗는 경우도 있고, (마약 투약 증상으로) 더우니까. 두 세명이 왔다갔다 거리고, 또 동일한 사람들이 보이고. 1-2분 정도 만에 나오고.”]

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It’s 3:00 in the morning, and people who are drunk don’t even go to the bathroom anymore.

It was caught taking or distributing drugs or something openly in a public place.

A similar scene was captured at another nearby club.

It’s like eating something that looks like a ‘pill’ here and there.

[클럽 참가자/음성변조 : “(마약에 취해) 눈은 충혈이 되어 있지만 술 냄새가 안 나는 경우가 대부분이고.”]

Even in the eyes of the reporters who first visited the club, it was not difficult to see them suspecting that they were taking drugs, but no one stopped them.

This is KBS News Younghoon Kim.

Cinematographer: Kim Hyun-min, Jeong Jun-hee/Video editing: Lee Jae-yeon/Graphics: Seo Su-min

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