5 telltale signs of dementia – Featured

2023-09-06 12:07:05

06 September 2023

Little oversights can happen to any of us. But they can also mark the first symptoms of dementia. So what are the signs to watch out for? When to consult?

On the website of the Cleveland Clinic in the United States, neuropsychologist Aaron Bonner-Jackson recalls that ” some people may struggle to find a word, or briefly forget a celebrity’s name (…) These experiences are what we consider to be typical cognitive errors, things we all do on a fairly regular basis. A common misconception is that these signs mean you are inevitably on the path to dementia, but dementia is not part of normal aging. »

« We know that dementia affects more than 55 million people worldwide “, he continues. ” But dementia has a variety of causes, and each leads to a wide range of symptoms that can affect your cognitive abilities, mental health, and physical health. “. In this case, how do you know if certain memory losses are early signs of dementia?

Get lost in familiar places

For the neuropsychologist, if you get lost in familiar places like your neighborhood, on your daily commute to work, or even inside your home, this can be cause for concern. »

Forget recent conversations

« Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by short-term memory loss, where people don’t learn and store new memories as well as they used to, and so they ask the same questions over and over once more. “, continues the specialist.

Difficulty performing new tasks

When changes inevitably occur and take you off course, that’s when the signs of dementia can start to show. ” A common scenario is where a person changes their medication regimen says Dr. Bonner-Jackson. ” When they have to take this new medicine, it’s no longer part of their routine and they start to forget that they have to take it. Other common scenarios include difficulty preparing a new recipe, learning new tasks… ».

Having trouble doing simple math and managing money

« If you have trouble doing simple math when paying bills, counting finances, or tipping at restaurants, these behaviors may be cause for concern.. »

Mood swings

« We also often see changes in a person’s mood or behavior at the onset of dementia “, he adds. ” Someone can become less interested in things they once enjoyed. They can withdraw socially. They might become more irritable, easily frustrated or anxious. »

If you notice any of these manifestations in you or one of your relatives, do not hesitate to seek medical advice.

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