Mastering Unity Timeline: Installation, Configuration, and Step-by-Step Guide

2023-09-06 06:04:31
1. Preface This article will describe how to get started with Timeline, from installation to configuration, and share a simple process and steps to understand how Unity Timeline works. 2. Configuration Time line is a movie sequence tool. There are various animations in a single game, so it is a player placed in the game object. 1. Unity installs Time line In the Windows list on the upper left of Unity, open the Pakage Manager window, then adjust the mode of Pakages: to Unity Registry, type Time in the search field on the right, and click Install in the lower right corner of the window to install. If there is only remove, it means Time line has been installed. 2. Hirarchy Add Playable Director Create an empty game object, and click Add Component at the bottom, enter Playable Director and click this Component, its name and icon are shown in the figure above. 3. Assets Create Timeline In Unity Assets, find a place and right-click, select Create, find and click Timeline, and the icon is shown in the figure above. 4. Link the Time line material to Playable Director. In the Playable column, drag the newly created Time line to it. If there is no name for the material, the material will be called New Timeline, and the brackets behind indicate that this is a Timeline material. 3. Steps to use Next, use the two simplest tracks of Time line to demonstrate, including how to add tracks, adjust the time axis of tracks, and how to use curves. You can explore other tracks by yourself, or wait for the next article. 1. Create a test object Create a Cube, if it is a brand new scene, the object will appear in the center. 2. Open Time line and adjust the time scale. Click the game object to add Time line in Hirarchy, click New Timeline (Time line Assets) twice in the Inspector, there is a gear on the right side of the window, click and select Seconds. 3. Create Activation Track Click on the “+” sign and select Activation Track. A green tick appears on the left, and a track named Activation Track appears, and an Active time segment appears on the right. Drag the time segment so that the leftmost part is 1.00. 4. Create an Animation Track Click the “+” sign and select Animation Track. There is a cyan triangle field on the left, and it prompts the designer to None (Animator), drag the created Cube to this field. Pop up the window, click Create Animator on Cube at this time. 5. Movie Recording – Add Start Frame Click on the red circle, the track will turn red, and drag the white slider at time to 1.00. Click on Cube in Hirarchy, right click on Position, and select Add Key. This means adding a keyframe at that time. 6. Movie recording – add an end frame Drag the white slider located at Time to adjust it to 5.00. Click Hirarchy’s Cube and adjust the Position to 5,0,0. Click the red circle to the left of the track to end the recording. 7. Convert to Clip Track (Optional) Right-click anywhere in the Animation Track and select Convert To Clip Track to convert the animation into an adjustable animation clip. 8. Round A test – can he move? Click the button |<< to move the white lever located at time to 0.00. Press > to start playing, and found that Activation Track is not functioning. Drag the Cube to the None position of the Track, and play once more. This time, the object will disappear at first, and it will move immediately when it reappears. 9. Adjust the curve back to the Time line, click the button next to the red circle to show the curve. Click the triangle on the left side of Position to open the three storage coordinates, click the X coordinate, and adjust the light gray lever at the end of the animation downward, as shown in the figure above. 10. Round B test-curve movement Press play and find that the object hardly moves at first, and then gets faster and faster until the animation ends. 4. Postscript This article introduces the introduction of Timeline, and makes readers familiar with the use of Timeline through the two most commonly used tracks of Activation and Animation. The next article will cover the various tracks and a basic introduction.
#Started #Unity #Timeline



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