Get Fit and Stay Fit: Overcoming Obstacles to Exercise and Finding Professional Support

2023-09-06 03:20:00

“The fact is that I would like to be in shape, yes. But every time I try to do it, something goes wrong and prevents me from doing it. For greater clarity: every time I try to get in shape I get injured, ”acknowledges the American writer Nora Ephron in her book I do not like my neck: and other reflections on the fact of being a woman. There is a classic comedy, full of tangles, that is reminiscent of this time of year: When September Comes (1961). The plot takes place on the Italian Riviera where Robert (Rock Hudson), a New York businessman, only goes to the gym in September. There he meets Lisa (Gina Lollobrigida), with whom he maintains a relationship and they meet only one month a year. The same thing happens to many with the gym: they only see each other in September.

It seems that, with the beginning of the course, the time has come to make an effort, try, crowd into the reception of sports centers, search for information on the Internet, sign up for classes, start plans and hire services to improve physical fitness, but a large part of the users who start do not reach the following June. Remember the following: for the gym, the best client is the one who pays and doesn’t go. That is why it would be important to manage your impulses to change so that this does not happen.

When September arrives, you may think of resolutions and repeat the following phrases to yourself: “I’m starting to train now” or “it doesn’t happen today.” But in the face of this outburst, a counterpoint: “I don’t enjoy exercising”, “I know very well everything that sport can bring me, but I hate it”, “I don’t have time” or, as in the case of the writer Nora Ephron , “I spend time getting in shape, until I get injured.” This is reality and turning your back on it would be telling a fantasy story.

More information

According to World Health Organization (WHO) Approximately 60% of the world’s population does not perform enough physical activity, which can cause serious health consequences. Each year, four to five million deaths might be prevented if everyone got more active. There’s no strict definition of what constitutes a sedentary lifestyle, but researchers have some metrics to measure it. As shown by the studies, spending four to six hours sitting or lying down (awake) would be considered sedentary. If this is your case, the challenge would be to enjoy exercise, to make it part of a daily habit and, for this to happen, you can start by analyzing the main reasons for abandonment:

Unsuitable activities for sedentary people are chosen. Someone who starts training without proper individualization and planning will likely end up exhausted, sore, or injured. How are you going to want to continue? False expectations. What many people imagine does not correspond to the results. There are those who think that they will train and achieve a certain state of form. Failing to do so, he gets frustrated and quits. Before and following photos are not usually a good reference, although they are often used as a claim to get clients. Each user is different and, depending on its characteristics and conditions, you will get some results or others. The dangerous search for shortcuts. “Miracle” methods, those that promise quick results with little effort, proliferate like mushrooms in the fall. In training there are no methods with their own name, only science; to apply loads correctly, obtain results and for the body to generate adaptations (for example, improve strength, resistance or body composition) it takes time.

Choosing a personal trainer

“So far, in the injury chapter, I have gotten the following: a lower back strain from doing squats; a right hip dislocation from running on the treadmill; shin splints from going out for a run, ”Ephron describes in his book. Why might this happen to him when he started training?

If you want to solve a stomach problem, go to a doctor specializing in the digestive system; If you want to learn how to eat in a healthier way, you will make an appointment with a dietitian nutritionist. The question is, what if you intend to start exercising? Ask for advice from a professional in the field. An Instagram or YouTube video is unable to assess your joint health in detail, analyze your health history and adapt your training to your life circumstances (and not the other way around).

Los studies They admit that individual personal training would be an effective method to change attitudes and therefore increase the amount of physical activity. Imagine that you want to buy a suit: You buy one in a large store and another is made to measure. Which one will fit you better? Personal training would represent that tailored suit. The best exercise is the one that is done, to do it well and keep it beyond September you might count on professional help. You might look at some aspects such as, for example, that a personal trainer must be authorized by law and, if possible, collegiate. Each autonomous community has its own regulation, but in all cases it is necessary to have an official degree, and practically in all the autonomies said degree is the Degree in Sports Sciences, without prejudice to the deadlines and moratoriums that said regulations establish for the accreditation processes skills through professional experience.

In fact, the figure of the personal trainer is conceptualized in said regional regulations as a specialty of the professional figure of the physical trainer, with its double orientation towards health/recreation or towards sports performance.

For your health and safety, you must have current liability insurance and professional training. If a personal trainer does not meet the legal requirements of his autonomous community for the exercise of the profession, in the event of an accident, the civil liability insurance might be ignored. Training a person requires knowledge in physiology, biomechanics, training methodology. Not everything goes. If you have any pathology, try to contact a professional specialized in it. If in doubt, consult your professional association.

Look at their background, how they work, and their sources of information. Notice how he treats his customers. Visit your facility and pay attention to your room. Your desk can tell you a lot: What are you reading or studying? What books do you have? Is it neat and clean? All of this can help you in your choice. Social networks are just the tip of the iceberg. A striking Instagram profile is no longer a mere showcase. Look for your collegiate number, degree and resume. Face-to-face or online, carry out an interview with the professional and observe how he develops nearby. Look for people who inspire you (rather than influencers) or professional companies – with a good reputation-, not characters. Beware of free services All work should be paid. If you offer a service for free, the product is you. The personal trainer should be a fellow traveler, not a superior being to be imitated. A professional who takes care of you in each of your vital stages, without blaming you or judging you. People’s lives are not flat. It will adapt the exercise to you and not the other way around, so you will be able to maintain it, whether you are on the crest of the wave or at ground level, through healthy expectations: flexible, realistic, without a calendar, or comparative photos. Network effect. Teamwork is essential. Pay attention to the network of professionals that surround you and to whom you may be referred: cardiologists, physiotherapists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, psychologists… Be wary of those who know and cover all disciplines.More information

“Now I’m back to exercising. I have a coach. I have my treadmill. I have a TV on top of the tape. I exercise almost four hours a week ”, continues the author Nora Ephron in the work of her I do not like my neck. If you know the benefits for the health that physical activity entails (cardiovascular, body composition, strength, autonomy, prevention of different types of cancer, diabetes, mental pathologies…) and would like to obtain them; give him the opportunity, count on a physical activity professional. Together they will find a way for it not to happen to him like in Hudson’s movie and he only visits the gym when September arrives.

From the theory to the practice

Bet on safety and avoid injuries. Before you buy the latest sportswear, get a fitness exam done by a doctor in a clinical setting (not a gym). This should be the first step before practicing any physical activity. A person, a context, a training. No valuation, no prescription. Doing sports for someone who starts can seem like a world. It is not easy, each individual has different needs: pathologies, preferences (there are people who do not find it interesting to move). Avoid comparing yourself to anyone. Prior to the prescription of exercise, an objective assessment should be made (by means of tests) of the state of your joint health, your habits, preferences, context and needs in order to design a sustainable program over time. Prioritize yourself and order your diary. Find a space for your self-care. If you don’t find space for health, you will have it for illness. At home, outdoors or in a sports facility. Find your site. Where can you train best? What is more comfortable for you? If you decide to train at home, ask for advice on what equipment you need and find a “healthy corner” to store it. We are used to having a space in our home for books, clothes, kitchen utensils… Why not allocate a place to store your exercise equipment? Better accompanied. Invest in your health, ask for professional advice. You will achieve efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability in your training. You will begin an educational process, you will learn how to take care of yourself, you will enjoy moving more and better. It will acquire criteria.

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