Reducing the Risk of Pneumonia and Influenza through Aerobic Exercise and Muscle Strengthening: Guidelines and Benefits

2023-09-05 19:59:43
Meeting the guidelines for aerobic physical activity and muscle strengthening reduces the risk of death from pneumonia and influenza by 48% (Getty)

Aerobic exercise, also called cardiovascular, includes a variety of activities that activate the larger muscle areas of the body. This type of physical activity makes the heart and lungs work harder to oxygenate the muscles, a dynamic that not only contributes to burning calories, but also improves cardiovascular health and lung function. This is because the heart beats faster and with more power, which, in turn, increases the rate of respiration and improves the overall oxygenation of the body.

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According to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, “at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity per week is recommended for all adults, including people living with chronic health conditions.” or disability, and an average of 60 minutes a day for children and adolescents”.

For the health organization, “regular physical activity is essential to prevent and help manage heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer, as well as to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, reduce cognitive decline, improve memory and enhance brain health.

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Meanwhile, the WHO “advises older adults (65 years or older) to add activities aimed at strengthening balance and coordination, as well as strengthening muscles, to help prevent falls and improve health” . It should be remembered that some examples of aerobic exercise are bicycling, swimming and running.

Moderate aerobic exercise is crucial to delay aging and prevent cardiovascular disease (Getty)

In that sense, recently, scientists from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, for its acronym in English) discovered that regular aerobic exercise (popularly known as cardio training), such as jogging, swimming or riding a bike may reduce the risk of dying from influenza infection, and exercising at the gym may also help.

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People who met guidelines for aerobic physical activity and muscle-strengthening activity had a 48% lower risk of death from pneumonia and influenza during an average of 9.2 years of follow-up compared with those who did neither, a team reported work led by Bryant Webber, a specialist in the Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity of the CDC in Atlanta, in the United States.

“Given the plausible biological mechanisms and consistency with previous studies, this protective association may warrant additional clinical and public health efforts to decrease the prevalence of aerobic inactivity and inadequate muscle strengthening,” Webber said.

The WHO recommends between 150 and 300 minutes of weekly aerobic physical activity for adults, including those with chronic conditions or disabilities (Getty)

The researchers also found a benefit with aerobic activity at levels below the guideline recommendations. Adults who engaged in 10 to 149 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week had a significantly 21% lower risk of death from pneumonia and influenza compared with people who did not engage in physical activity.

This benefit peaked at a 50% risk reduction for those with 301 to 600 minutes of weekly activity, with no additional risk reduction for those doing more than 600 active minutes.

Previously, in dialogue with Infobae, the clinical doctor Luis Cámera (MN 51995) reviewed some of the benefits of aerobic exercise: “Taking care of vascular health is one of the most important things and, in this sense, aerobic exercises such as walking prolong life. life expectancy and delay the onset of disability. This, however, must also be complemented with associated with not smoking, not drinking excessively and not eating a lot of carbohydrates.

Aerobic exercise contributes to burning calories, improves cardiovascular health and lung function, and increases the rate of respiration (Getty)

According to Cámera, these factors “help to lead a healthy life. So, moderate aerobic exercise is one of the most important elements to delay aging and to prevent cardiovascular diseases and the appearance of dementia”.

For his part, the cardiologist and sports doctor Norberto Debbag (MN 51320) told Infobae in a previous report: “Humans have a cardiovascular system that has a certain deterioration over the years that can be caused by hypertension and combined with diabetes , with cholesterol diseases, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, etc. These are factors that we can improve and condition”.

“In addition, by playing sports, we are going to take care of the bone structure that is inside the bone and we are going to reinforce it. Of course, we need to supplement this with vitamin D that comes from the sun, so if the activities are done in the open air it is much better even psychologically speaking ”, Debbag considered.

And he added: “Exercising greatly improves mobility to move from one place to another with some ease”, so he suggested activities such as aquagym or stationary bicycle.

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