September: Raising Awareness for Childhood Cancers in Guyana

2023-09-05 16:47:01

In the health calendar, September is dedicated to raising awareness regarding childhood cancers. During this month, a series of preventive actions are carried out by health organizations and associations.

Ludmïa Lewis • Posted on September 5, 2023 at 1:47 p.m., updated on September 5, 2023 at 1:50 p.m.

In Guyana, the Awono La’a Yana association works all year round with people with cancer and their families. On the occasion of September in Gold, the organization has created the waiting rooms and games of the pediatric department of the Center Hospitalier de l’Ouest Guyanais – Frank Joly. Paintings were also offered to decorate the walls of the service.

In 2022, the organization offered therapeutic cases to children cared for in the pediatric department of the Cayenne hospital center. The association chaired by Catherine Fataccy had also organized a day of activities dedicated to children. An operation that it repeats in 2023.

On September 12, we will go to the Center Hospitalier André Roseman to offer gifts (books, paintings, cups, pins, key rings) to the children. On Saturday September 16, we have the recreational day for children affected by cancer in Guyana. They are 55 to be treated in day hospital in Guyana, not counting those who are in France.

Catherine FATACCY, president of the Awono La’a Yana association

Each child will be invited to come with a parent, so there will be around a hundred people, as well as partners, caregivers and members of the association. “They will have lots of activities, but everything will be done at their own pace, it’s their day! We must not forget that these are children who are undergoing chemotherapy“, explique Catherine Fataccy.

Recreational day organized by the association Awono La’a Yana • ©DR

This year once more, the children will receive gifts. They will have available inflatable games, virtual games, activities with inflatable balls, water games. The little patients will also be entitled to a photo session with the Yana Heroes.

The other highlight of this golden month of September is the information evening on pediatric cancers in Guyana. This evening takes place on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.. It is organized by the ONCOGUYANE Regional Specific Cancer System in partnership with the CPTS Center Littoral Guyanais.

Information evening on pediatric cancers in Guyana • ©DR
#September #Gold #Awono #Laa #Yana #association #mobilizing #month #pediatric #cancers



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