Boosting Dopamine Production: Tips to Manage Stress and Reclaim Mental Health

2023-09-05 10:23:23

The Back to work and to the difficulties to reconcile It’s normal for us to get upset. We may even perceive it as a threatening situation and that our body and mind get in stress mode. At that time, our body begins to produce the stress hormonesamong which is the cortisol. A study conducted by the washington universitypublished in the magazine Naturedemonstrates the molecular mechanism by which the stress can lead to a depression. While the stress is not chronic, cortisol and dopamine do their work in equilibrium helping us to meet challenges and goals but when stress chronifiesLittle by little, the production capacity of dopamine is lost.

How we can help our body to produce healthy dopamine

Listening to music helps us raise our dopamine and avoid bad stress.

The rise of dopamine It has led to excess in some areas such as labor. There is even talk of dopamine addiction. When there is an excess of dopaminecan cause an overload of pleasure signals in the brain and lead to mental and physical health problems. However, when we have healthy dopamine levels, we can manage stress better and feel more capable of facing challenges. Thus we can increase it in a healthy and balanced way in specific moments of greatest stress like now:

Do moderate and sustained physical exercise every day. For example, a 30-minute walk to the office is perfect.Choose a balanced diet that includes protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. Include foods rich in tyrosine: chicken, turkey, eggs and nuts, etc.Practice meditation, yoga, etc.. Relaxation naturally increases dopamine. Find a moment a day to practice it.Listen to music. Music makes us feel good. On your commute to work, while cooking or tidying up the house… music! Every morning, before starting work, reach out easy and small goals. Achieving it puts you in a positive mode. Eat or have a coffee with your companions. Human contact is the best ally of good dopamine, not the mobile.
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