Case Against Robert Wuidar: Exploring the Allegations and Accusations in Politics

2023-09-05 08:03:00

“For someone with your experience in politics, do you know that the case once morest you is heavy?” remarked Judge Nazé.

And in fact, Robert Wuidar, according to the prosecution and the DNF, would not have gone out of his way on March 3, 2021. Even if the defendant and his counsel, Me Jean-Pierre Dardenne, refute the charges once morest Robert Wuidar.

According to the lawyer for the Walloon Region acting for the DNF, in March 2021, a forestry officer was warned that a large column of dark smoke was visible from a field in Odeigne. He went there and was surprised to discover “tarpaulins and plastic residues that were burning in the plot, in addition to dried grass”, said the lawyer for the civil party.

Still according to the testimony of the DNF agent, Robert Wuidar, aboard his tractor, “pretended not to hear the DNF’s injunctions and was busy trying to put out the fire with his loader and shovelfuls of earth that he was pouring.”

A second DNF agent then also arrived on the scene. Both wanted to block Mr. Wuidar at the exit of his plot, to question him, but according to them, the farmer wanted to intimidate them by placing his tractor once morest the vehicle of the forest agents.

For the deputy of the king’s prosecutor, Anne-Charlotte Carlier, there is incineration of waste and therefore violation of the decree on waste management. As well as an offense of “armed rebellion” with the tractor.

She demands a fine of €500.

The strange disappearance of road signs and the bill of 6000 euros


Counsel for Robert Wuidar, Me Dardenne pleads primarily for acquittal. And in the alternative the suspension of the pronouncement (“My client has no criminal record. A conviction might make it difficult to pursue his political activity”).

According to the defense, it was fortuitously that the fire, in the field, spread to the plastic material. “Mr. Wuidar had set fire to dry grass only. A gust of wind changed the direction of the fire as he left the plot. He had to come back, warned by a neighbor, because his fire was less than 100 m from hedges, orchards and house. And it was while trying to put out the fire with earth that the plastic strips on the tractor loader caught fire.”

Me Dardenne also believes that his client did not in any way threaten or intimidate the DNF agents. “He just wanted to go home and the DNF agents had immobilized their vehicles on a narrow road. Mr. Wuidar wanted to pass. If everyone had put their good will into it…”, ends the litigant.

Judgment will be delivered on October 2.

#mayor #judge #experience #politics #case #heavy



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