Minister of Justice Under Investigation: Shocking Surveillance Footage Revealed

2023-09-05 07:29:50

The facts were made public on August 23, when the prosecution opened an investigation. The police suit was part of a surveillance and protection device put in place since the Minister of Justice was the subject of a terrorist threat.

At that time, the cabinet of the elected Open Vld had communicated that the minister himself was not present at the time of the events and that he strongly disapproved of this behavior.

According to the VRT, the analysis of the images of the surveillance cameras would have made it possible to isolate images on which Minister Van Quickenborne is visible, a few hours following the facts.

According to the sequence of events, as described by the VRT, people would have urinated for the first time at 8:39 p.m., a second time at 10:05 p.m., a third time at 12:02 a.m.

According to the VRT, it was at four in the morning that the minister in turn left the house, accompanied by one of his guests. “Apparently they both drank a lot“, writes the VRT on its site. According to the Flemish public service media, the minister would have leaned back, pretended to urinate, looked at a mobile phone while laughing. The minister then, like his guests, approached the combi to open the door.

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