Understanding the Significance of Postprandial High Blood Sugar for Diabetes Diagnosis and Prevention

2023-09-05 07:05:35

Postprandial high blood sugar is more dangerous than fasting blood sugar before meals

Photo enlargement During a health checkup, the test to find out if you have diabetes is to measure your fasting blood sugar following fasting for more than 8 hours. If fasting blood sugar is 100 ~ 125㎎ / ㎗, ‘pre-diabetes’, if it is more than 126㎎ / ㎗, ‘diabetes’ is suspected and a close examination is performed.

However, in diabetes, ‘postprandial blood sugar’ is as important as fasting blood sugar before meals. Even if fasting blood sugar levels are in the pre-diabetes stage, there are not a few people who experience a rapid rise in blood sugar following meals (hyperglycemia following meals). For this reason, there are voices that it is difficult to accurately diagnose diabetes only with health checkups.

The Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) quoted Yamada Satoru, director of the Diabetes Center at Kitasato University Kitasato Research Hospital, saying, “Postprandial hyperglycemia means a state in which blood sugar is high even 2 hours following a meal.” Even if blood sugar rises, it returns to normal following a while, but it does not fall easily because insulin action is insufficient. A blood sugar level of 140 to 199 mg/dl 2 hours following a meal is pre-diabetic, and a blood sugar level of 200 mg/dL or more is suspected. A survey of regarding 30 office workers in Tokyo found that their postprandial blood sugar levels exceeded 140 mg/dL, which is considered high blood sugar levels in regarding two-thirds.

Diabetes is characterized by △ fasting blood sugar of 126 mg/dL or more following fasting for 8 hours or more △ blood sugar of 200 mg/dL or more 2 hours following drinking 75 g of glucose solution (75 g oral glucose tolerance test) △ glycated hemoglobin (for 2 to 4 months) Average blood glucose level) 6.5% or higher, etc., repeat the test to make a final diagnosis. A fasting blood glucose test before a meal is performed to check the ability of insulin secretion, and a test following a meal is performed to check the responsiveness of insulin. Postprandial blood glucose levels can be easily measured at home by using a dedicated device without having to be tested at a hospital or clinic. It is common to pierce the tip of a finger with an instrument needle and collect a small amount of blood for examination.

Postprandial high blood sugar is dangerous because, if left untreated for a long time, it can damage blood vessels and cause arteriosclerosis to progress without knowing it, causing a stroke. In particular, caution is needed as it is closely related to the ‘sugar spike’, in which the blood sugar level rises rapidly following a meal and then immediately goes down.

If blood sugar fluctuates repeatedly following a meal, blood vessels are damaged and the risk of cardiovascular disease and sudden death increases. A blood sugar spike is when the blood sugar level exceeds 150 mg/dL between 30 minutes and 2 hours following eating. Considering that the normal level of fasting blood sugar is less than 100 mg/dL, a blood sugar spike can be seen if the difference between fasting and postprandial blood glucose is more than 50 mg/dL or postprandial blood sugar is more than 150 mg/dL. Symptoms of blood sugar spikes include △sudden fatigue and unbearable drowsiness following meals △postprandial dizziness and anxiety △concentration and poor judgment △postprandial hunger and cravings for sweets.

Even skinny people can’t beware of blood sugar spikes. According to a research team in Japan (Professor Yoshifumi Tamura, Sunchun Tang University), among skinny women aged 18 to 29 (BMI less than 16 to 18.5), the rate of postprandial hyperglycemia reached regarding 7 times that of normal weight women of the same age. Professor Tamura explained, “When muscle is reduced, insulin function slows down, so it is easy for blood sugar levels to rise rapidly because insufficient glucose is consumed.”

What can I do to prevent blood sugar spikes with postprandial blood sugar? As with general diabetes, diet and exercise are the most important.

The key to eating is to limit carbohydrates first. It is to suppress the amount of sugar consumed at one meal to 20 ~ 40g and eat without limiting lipid (protein).

Carbohydrates are sugars and are found most in carbohydrates such as rice, bread, and noodles. To be precise, carbohydrates are composed of ‘sugar + dietary fiber’, and sugar is the most common. For example, ramen has 78g of carbohydrates and 0g of dietary fiber, so it has 78g of sugar. Nato has 9g of carbohydrates and 5g of dietary fiber, so it has 4g of sugar.

When sugar is addicted, it can lead to obesity, the root cause of all diseases. Obesity is associated with terrifying diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, stroke, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

The order you eat is also important. After eating meat or fish, it is desirable to eat staples such as rice or bread. This is because consuming protein or lipids first can suppress the rise in blood sugar levels. Shizuo Kajiyama, director of Kajiyama Internal Medicine, said in a book titled ‘Meal Order Revolution’, “I changed the order of meals for more than 1,000 patients to eat vegetables first, then protein side dishes, and finally eat a small amount of rice. It has dropped significantly,” he said. He continued, “By breaking away from the existing ‘what to eat’ and paying attention to ‘how to eat’, I ate vegetables, protein, and rice slowly for more than 30 minutes, and many patients were treated for high blood pressure, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia. “he emphasized.

In general, when you eat, you eat in the order of soup, rice, and side dishes, or in any order. Since childhood, we have been told to eat evenly without choosing between rice, side dishes, soup, and meat. So even as adults, when we eat rice unconsciously, we eat side dishes, soup, and meat at the same time. However, eating only rice or side dishes is a bad eating habit.

Exercise has the effect of activating the function of insulin, which lowers blood sugar. If you are an office worker who does not have time to exercise, get off the bus one or two stops before arriving at work and walk to work. The US National Institute of Health (NIH) compared and analyzed the effects of walking 8,000 steps and 4,000 steps for 4,800 people over the age of 40 in the United States for 10 years, and found that walking 8,000 steps lowered the risk of death by 51%.

According to the Diabetes Fact Sheet published by the Korean Diabetes Association, the number of diabetic patients over the age of 30 in Korea in 2020 is regarding 6 million, and considering that the number of diabetic patients in 2010 was 3.12 million, it is rapidly increasing. As of 2020, 1 in 6 adults over the age of 30 (16.7%) has diabetes.

Important risk factors for diabetes are obesity and family history. Recently, the number of obese people is increasing due to westernized eating habits and lack of exercise. As weight increases, blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol also increase, which can worsen diabetes. In addition, if at least one of the parents has diabetes, it is known that the risk of developing diabetes in the child increases by regarding 30%. Therefore, adults over the age of 40 or over the age of 30 with obesity, high blood pressure, Westernized eating habits, lack of exercise, family history, etc., it is good to have regular checkups to see if they do not have diabetes.

[이병문 의료전문기자]

#Diabetes #concerns #reduced #simply #changing #order #eating



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