Understanding Gallstones and Managing Symptoms: A Comprehensive Guide

2023-09-05 03:00:36

If your stomach hurts following eating greasy food, you may have gallstones.

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Cholelithiasis is a disease in which the fluid (bile) stored in the gallbladder is hardened into stone-like substances (gallstones). [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]Recently, the number of patients with ‘cholelithiasis’ accompanied by severe pain in the upper right abdomen in Korea is increasing significantly. According to the data of the health insurance judges, the patient of cholelithiasis has increased more than 2 times in 11 years compared to 2010 years.

Gallstones, in which bile hardens like stones

Cholelithiasis is a disease in which the fluid (bile) stored in the gallbladder is hardened into stone-like substances (gallstones). The gallbladder, also called the gallbladder, is a small sac-like structure located in the upper right side of the abdomen, under the liver. It stores and concentrates the bile produced in the liver and secretes bile into the duodenum to aid in digestion.

It can be caused by infection and inflammation in the bile duct.

The gallbladder contains a fluid called ‘bile’. After bile is made in the liver, it is stored in the gallbladder, and when we eat, it flows into the duodenum through a tube called the common bile duct to aid digestion. An average of 700 to 800 ml is made per day, and it contains water, cholesterol, fat, and bile salts. When this bile becomes abnormally concentrated in the gallbladder, gallstones form.

Gallstones formed in the gallbladder are divided into cholesterol gallstones and pigment gallstones. Cholesterol gallstones are gallstones caused by the formation of cholesterol crystals due to the supersaturation of cholesterol in the bile. Pigmented gallstones are black and brown stones. Black stones are formed when bilirubin is increased, and they occur in diseases that destroy a lot of red blood cells, such as liver cirrhosis or hemolytic anemia. Brown stones are more likely to occur in the bile duct than the gallbladder, and are most often caused by infection and inflammation in the bile duct.

Suspicion if right upper stomach hurts like squeezing

Symptoms of cholelithiasis vary depending on the location of the gallstone. Gallstones in the gallbladder are usually asymptomatic and are often discovered incidentally during a health checkup. However, when gallstones move to the entrance of the gallbladder and block the biliary tract, the pressure in the gallbladder increases, causing severe abdominal pain called biliary colic.

Biliary colic is characterized by sudden onset, and tends to occur suddenly at night or following eating greasy food. Typical biliary colic is: ▲ Squeezing pain in the right upper abdomen ▲ Nausea and vomiting ▲ Accompanied by fever or chills ▲ Yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes (jaundice) ▲. muddy gray feces

Avoid fatty foods and exercise regularly

Regular exercise helps produce good cholesterol and activates bowel movement. By reducing the total cholesterol level in the bile, it not only prevents cholelithiasis, but also helps prevent other diseases. In this regard, it is important to eat a balanced diet regardless of the type of food, and if you are obese, you should try to lose weight and maintain a normal weight. Among them, it is good to avoid fatty foods as well as foods high in cholesterol or saturated fat.

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