In Toulouse, Simplon is testing a 100% female training dedicated to digital professions

2023-09-04 16:20:00

Making Tech jobs accessible to everyone is the goal of the Apple Foundation Program with Simplon. The idea is to promote technical skills and promote employability by teaching the code to populations who are far from it. The first class of learners started in April 2019 in Montreuil and in 2021 in Toulouse with the aim of training nearly 900 learners per year.

« We have always wanted, in essence, to address those who are the most underrepresented and the furthest from employment to ensure that digital is digital for all “, explains Philippe Coste, director of Simplon Occitanie and Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

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Simplon has decided to add an additional team to Toulouse, this time 100% female. ” The objective is to have 25 candidates who come from all walks of life “, informed Jennifer Sanvoisin, Simplon project manager and Apple Foundation Program project manager in France during the StartEmploi event organized by the Tribune in Toulouse last May.

Training experienced in a different way

Today, only 17% of positions in technical coding jobs are held by women. The Toulouse site of Simplon, located in the third place called Le Fil in Bellefontaine, has been hosting this female promotion since June 12 following having successfully tested the formula for the first time last December in Lyon. This training configuration thus completely changes the approach of learners to tech professions.

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After unsuccessful language studies, 21-year-old Nesrine Zarrouk heard regarding the training offered by Simplon. ” The Apple Foundation Program was the best way for me to start by providing project validation and knowledge. And the fact of being with only women, we feel more comfortable than with men, we are really free “. Same observation for Pascale Bodelle, 45, in retraining following a career of twenty years in the social sector: “The training has a reassuring side and, here, there is a solidarity that has imposed itself. I have discovered an appetite for IT and I would like to continue training at Simplon to obtain a work-study contract. »

Delphine Sambouni, 23, began with physio studies before also reorienting herself in digital. After learning the basics on her own, she embarked on training at Simplon. ” It’s interesting because we work in a group and it creates a bond between us. “, she testifies.

Four intensive weeks

Usually, the promotions have 25 learners while the female promotions have regarding fifteen. A gap due to ignorance of the program according to its organizers. The training is free and open to all on the sole condition of being registered as a job seeker with Pôle Emploi or the Local Mission and being motivated. At the end of the four weeks of training, participants will be able to develop application prototypes.

« These are four intensive weeks since we have a well-defined rhythm. There are well-defined phases. The first week of training is entirely dedicated to the design of an application with an introduction to design. The second week offers a more technical part with the learning of the code. The program leaves a lot of room for autonomy. After that, they are launched on exercises and all at their own pace, since there are very varied levels. For the third week, the learners move on to the prototyping phase. They make their application concrete explains Pauline Puechbroussoux, Apple Foundation Program project manager at Simplon.

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For the last days of training, the beneficiaries pass before a jury made up of professionals in development, design or from the world of entrepreneurship. The goal is to allow learners to confront the professional world and get feedback on their project.

69% professional integration

In addition, Apple provides technology, devices, funding for teaching staff, teacher training and content, while Simplon manages training locations and learner recruitment.

« The purpose of this training is to be the first building block of a training course. Here, the objectives are multiple. The first is to check if the domain appeals to them. This will also allow them to validate their professional project and at the same time they acquire basic programming skills that will allow them to integrate other training courses. A 22-month course awaits those who wish to continue their training, with professional certification as the key. “says the project manager.

Since the first promotion, nearly 2,000 learners have been trained on several sites by Simplon for a rate of professional integration and continuation of studies (six months following training) of 69%. A new female promotion is expected in Toulouse on Monday September 11 with 24 learners. After a period of five weeks called pre-qualification, they will then have three months of intensive training, before entering an 18-month period of work-study within a regional company. The chances of professional integration are significant since 500 designer-developer positions were open in Occitania alone during the second quarter of 2023.

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