Top Political Discussions: Pets, Georges-Louis Bouchez, and Brussels-Midi Insecurity

2023-09-04 19:39:00

This Monday, September 4, Julien Bal received on his set Jean-Marc Meilleur, former King’s prosecutor, Michel Kacenelenbogen, director of the theater “Le Public”, Gauvain Dos Santos, journalist specializing in “energy” at La Dernier Heure – Les Sports et Nawal Bensalem, head of news and deputy editor-in-chief of La Derniere Heure – Les Sports.

The first topic discussed was that of pets. Aurélie Legros, veterinarian, explained what to be wary of when buying your pet.

In a second time, the guests debated about the scaling of Georges-Louis Bouchez, which occurred this weekend. The case made the buzz, for the benefit of the victim? For Nawal Bensalem, the president of MR “should not have filed a complaint” against his attacker. She also finds that Georges-Louis Bouchez took advantage of this event to talk about him even more. But for Michel Kacenelenbogen, we must not neglect the role of the media in the propagation of this “buzz”.

“It’s a political act!”: Georges-Louis Bouchez tarred at FNAC in Liège! (VIDEO)

In the rest of the program, to be discovered in full at the top of the article, there was talk of insecurity at Brussels-Midi station. With this question: did the police move the problem? In any case, for Nawal Bensalem, these are com operations on the part of the political world: “They make believe that they are interested in it but in a while, it will already be over”.

#talk #buzz #scaling #profit #GeorgesLouis #Bouchez #shouldnt #complained

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