Defending Secularism: Marc Uyttendaele’s Insight on Brussels’ Compromise

2023-09-04 19:08:00

Marc Uyttendaele, a great defender of secularism and professor of law at the ULB, was invited on the set of LN24 this Monday, as part of the program Les Visiteurs du soir.

Asked about the case of Saliha Raiss, appointed by Vooruit as alderman in Molenbeek (but whose appointment has been postponed because the MR, in the majority, points the finger at the fact that she wears a sign of conviction), Marc Uyttendaele does not hide his disagreement. “I am close to some in the Socialist Party, it’s part of my personal history and I’m not used to spitting in the soup so I’m not going to do it. But it is clear that on this theme [de la laïcité, NDLR], I have a profound break with what is being done in Brussels. And I am saddened to see that this party, which was the very ferment of a secular and humanist conception of society, is today very discreet on these questions.

When asked if it is not electoralism, Marc Uyttendaele replies: “The word electoralism is almost nice. It goes further. In Brussels, it’s a compromise. That is to say that there are values ​​with which one does not compromise. The greatness of socialism is François Mitterand who abolished the death penalty in 1981. Today, in Brussels, the position of the socialist party is the antithesis of Mitterand’s approach at the time.

In debate, Marc Uyttendaele judges that “the Brussels PS encourages communitarianism” and that “Ahmed Laaouej is the gravedigger of secularism”
#compromise #Marc #Uyttendaele #rebukes #Brussels

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