Gravity and Newton’s Laws: Exploring the Force that Makes Objects Fall and the Discoverer Behind It

2023-09-04 03:56:06

If you throw a ball up, it returns to the ground because of its strength from one of the types of force, where all objects are affected by a force that either contributes to moving it or stopping it, or even slowing down or speeding it up, and even throwing the ball up contributes to a specific force in and returning it to the bottom, From this standpoint, we will learn what this power is, and who discovered it. If you throw a ball up, it returns to the ground because of its strength If you throw a ball upward, it returns to the ground because of its gravitational force, since gravitational force is an attractive force that works in space, that is, things should not touch each other in order for the gravitational force to affect them, For example, the sun, which is millions of miles away from the earth, pulls the earth, planets and other things in the solar system, and on the earth the gravity of things pulls towards the center of the earth, and this is what makes things fall, and it is also what gives the weight of the body, as weight is a measure of the force of gravity between the body and the surface that He stands on it, and if a person is standing on the scale, gravity pulls the person once morest the scale, and thus the scale shows the weight of the person in the solar system. At the same time, the speed of the planets in their orbits prevents them from falling into the sun. Who is the discoverer of gravity? The English scientist Isaac Newton discovered gravity in the late seventeenth century, when Newton concluded that the force of gravity between objects depends on their mass or the amount of matter they contain, and the greater the mass of the body, the greater the force of gravity. For example, the sun, which has a very large mass, has a stronger gravitational pull than the Earth, which has a much smaller mass. Even a speck of dust has a gravitational force, but its gravitational pull is very, very small; The force of gravity also depends on the distance between two objects, and the smaller the distance, the greater the force of gravity between them. Isaac Newton explained gravity, motion, planetary motion, light, and color. He discovered so many things and was able to show how they work through experiments and mathematics that he is often referred to as the father of Modern science. Newton’s Laws Over the years, Newton’s ideas have been tested once more and once more, with scientists agreeing to Newton’s ideas regarding motion and naming them Newton’s Three Laws of Motion. The following is an explanation of these laws: Newton’s first law A body that is in a state of rest remains in a state of rest, and a moving body remains in a state of motion until a force affects it that changes its place of rest or movement. Newton’s second law The greater the force, the greater the acceleration, and the greater the mass, the greater the force needed to move the body. Two objects of different weights will require different forces to move them, and the levels of acceleration will be different. Newton’s Third Law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction in the direction, and the forces are always present in pairs. is zero, but if one force in one direction is greater than the force in the opposite direction, then the object will move. At the end of this article, we summarize the most important things in it, as it was recognized that if the ball is thrown to the top, it returns to the ground due to a force, and it was also recognized who was the discoverer of this force, and Newton’s laws were recognized.
#throw #ball #returns #ground #force



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