Luc Terlinden Consecrated as the New Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels: A Historic Appointment by the Pope

2023-09-03 16:31:00

The new archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, Luc Terlinden, was consecrated bishop on Sunday in Mechelen. He thus becomes the new head of the Catholic Church in Belgium following the retirement of his predecessor, Cardinal Jozef De Kesel. It is the first time since Cardinal Jozef Van Roey in 1926 that a priest who was not yet a bishop has been appointed archbishop by the pope.

Many personalities, including the royal couple and the Minister of the Interior, Annelies Verlinden, attended the consecration which was held at Saint-Rombaut’s Cathedral in Mechelen. About a hundred priests and the Belgian bishops and auxiliary bishops were also present, as were leaders of other recognized denominations in Belgium.

During the ceremony which lasted two and a half hours, Luc Terlinden received the laying on of hands from all the bishops present and was then anointed by Cardinal De Kesel. He also received four episcopal insignia: an episcopal ring, a mitre, a crosier and a pallium, this band of white woolen cloth whose wearing on the chasuble is reserved for the pope, primates and archbishops.

Luc Terlinden, who is 54 years old and grew up in Brussels, then took over from Jozef De Kesel and led the Eucharistic service. “I would also like to thank my predecessors who, each with his charisma, were true shepherds. I am thinking in particular of Cardinal Godfried Danneels, who committed himself with passion for God and for men, and who remains an example for me.“, he said in particular in his word of thanks. “But of course I also express my gratitude to Cardinal Joseph De Kesel. His trust and friendship have never wavered, especially over the past two years. It opens new paths for us: that of a more humble Church, but no less faithful to the Gospel, called to be a sign of God’s love for all our brothers and sisters in the midst of the world. These are the convictions that are so close to my heart today and that I want to deepen, with you, to announce the Gospel in an ever more true way.“, added the new archbishop.

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