Unlocking the Truth: Optimal Daily Steps for Health Benefits Revealed by 220,000 People

2023-09-03 18:00:00

How many steps should we take each day to be able to observe health benefits? A sort of holy grail that is almost inaccessible for the majority of workers, the goal of 10,000 daily steps is often presented as the ultimate benchmark. Does this mean that any effort below this fateful bar would be in vain?

More than 220,000 people scrutinized

No, answers a meta-analysis published on August 9 in the’European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. Carried out on nearly 227,000 people through 17 different studies around the world and over a seven-year follow-up, the latter shows that a reduction in mortality, all causes combined, can already be observed from 3,967 steps. …

#dont #steps #day #results



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