Trump’s Georgia Indictment: Will He Skip the Court Date?

2023-09-03 16:40:06

On September 6, Donald Trump is scheduled to read the 13 counts of indictment surrounding the Georgia election results. He himself might be missing on site.

Washington/Munich – Donald Trump has to face several criminal proceedings in the USA in the 2024 election year. The Republican is the first former US president ever to face criminal charges. An indictment was filed in the state of Georgia once morest Trump and 18 other suspects. They are said to have tried to influence the 2020 presidential election.

Prosecution in Georgia: Trump might skip court date

After Trump was last arrested and a police photo (mugshot) taken of him in Fulton County, according to reports from several US media, the indictment is to be read out in Atlanta on September 6th. But the ex-president seems to want to skip this court date. That wants CBS News learned and cites two sources familiar with Trump’s plans.

Donald Trump might skip indictment hearing in Georgia. © picture alliance/dpa/AP | Alex Brandon

In regarding a week, starting with Trump, all of the accused are to be presented with the respective allegations one following the other. In total, he is charged with 13 crimes related to the Georgia election result. At indictment readings in the United States, suspects typically have an opportunity to plead guilty or not guilty.

Indictment in Georgia: Fulton County court allows indictment hearing to be dispensed with

CBS News The Fulton County Superior Court is allowing defendants to virtually attend indictment readings or not to attend at all. Trump might make use of this right. He would then be represented by lawyers. So far, however, the 77-year-old has not yet decided to take this step, it said.

The situation is different for some of the 18 co-defendants. Several of them are said to have already waived formal charges and pleaded “not guilty”. You do not have to appear in court in person.

Donald Trump expects at least three trials in the 2024 election year

Excluding the civil cases, Trump has three other criminal cases pending. In the coming spring he has to answer before the district court in Manhattan for falsifying business documents. It’s regarding hush money payments to former porn actress Stormy Daniels in 2016.

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In May 2024, the process of storing secret documents in his private property in Mar-a-Lago, which he allegedly sold, will also start. Two months earlier, Trump’s role in the storming of the Capitol is the subject of a court hearing. He is accused of sabotaging the peaceful takeover of power following Joe Biden won the election in 2021. (mt)

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