Belgium’s Future: Prime Minister De Croo’s Stance on Federalism and Energy Crisis

2023-09-03 08:52:00

Prime Minister Alexander De Croo is proactive regarding federalism. He says there is a way to make the country work.

A few years ago, Alexander De Croo extolled the merits of confederalism… He was in favor of splitting all federal powers into Flanders and Wallonia. From now on, he is at “16” and says the opposite. Above all, he says anything! If he is optimistic regarding the future of Belgium, it must be proven concretely then. But the reality is that the budgetary policy of the federal state is a disaster, that pensions will become unpayable, that social security is completely out of control…

Bart De Wever at La Libre: “If you don’t like me, look who will come following me…”

In any case, the Prime Minister will have succeeded in extending two nuclear reactors while he is in the majority with the ecologists in the Vivaldi. It’s still a tour de force, isn’t it?

Vladimir Putin is responsible for this. And two reactors is not enough. According to Elia (the manager of the electricity network in Belgium), the energy policy of this country is a disaster. We might be forced to import nuclear energy from France. I hope that France will be good enough to supply us with this, which is not certain. I wanted Belgium to follow the German model on the socio-economic level and the French model in terms of energy (France is betting a lot on nuclear power, Editor’s note). But we did exactly the opposite: we followed the French model for socio-economics and the German model for energy…

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If, following a political crisis, we succeed in setting up a government of institutional reforms, you may have a historic role to play. That of Prime Minister. This would be the end of the road of your political career?

I know my answer would make a big headline in your newspaper but this question doesn’t interest me at all. What interests me is what will happen in this country. To make things evolve in the right direction, I am ready for anything. But I don’t need this title or a European career followingwards. My ambition is not to serve coffee to Madame von der Leyen (President of the European Commission, Editor’s note).

Serve coffee to Ursula von der Leyen? Is it a spade once morest Charles Michel, President of the European Council, and Didier Reynders, European Commissioner?

But not at all… (smile)

The N-VA and the PS is already an old story. In 2010, you had tried to agree with Elio Di Rupo but the discussions had fallen apart due, in particular, to your socio-economic differences. A missed opportunity?

We might not have reached an agreement with the Socialist Party at that time. Elio Di Rupo, son of a migrant, has always been completely loyal to Belgium. She gave him a lot. This is a real concern for Paul Magnette since Di Rupo has done nothing to prepare the PS for a reform of our institutions. However, when I speak openly and discreetly with regionalists such as Dermine or Dermagne, it is clear that their analysis of the future of this country is not so far from mine. But, me, I am in a hurry to succeed. I want to move forward as fast as possible. For the PS, on the contrary, there is no urgency as long as there is money arriving. Magnette wishes to continue the status quo for as long as possible but he understands that at some point it will no longer work. I don’t think he wants to negotiate with Vlaams Belang. I am convinced that one day the socialists will be able to conclude an agreement to move towards confederalism. And if the PS does it, I hope the rest of the Walloon left will follow. We’ll see.

De Wever wants to impose the autonomy of Flanders “in an extralegal way”: “It would take a broad agreement. Otherwise, it is a coup in the literal sense”


I am convinced that one day the socialists will be able to conclude an agreement to move towards confederalism.”

On the left, environmentalists are clearly federalists. You will have a hard time convincing them.

Yes. And Ecolo is the most wokist party… The ecologists come from another planet: when I speak to Jean-Marc Nollet, I find nothing in his ideas that would make it possible to build a government agreement. Get him back to Venus as soon as possible! During the negotiations in the summer of 2020 (Bart De Wever and Paul Magnette took on a royal mission and had negotiated a pre-agreement between the PS and the N-VA), each time Nollet was called on the phone, he was in a station. Unable to discuss. We might hear the train traffic information through the telephone. Was he running away or what?

Bart De Wever, the “confederalist” who fears revolutionary unrest more than anything

Is Ecolo your real enemy?

A communist, I still understand his logic, but an ecologist? There is only madness… Do you really think that climate change is due to capitalist behavior? Is it a new religion? When I speak with an ecologist, I have the impression of conversing with a priest who speaks to me regarding his church. Why should I follow this 20-year-old girl (environmental activist Greta Thunberg, Editor’s note) inspired by God and who sees CO2 escaping in the sky like certain virgins in the Middle Ages saw Christ or like Joan of Arc who claimed to have heard the voice of Jesus Christ?

#Bart #Wever #Libre #ecologists #planet #Nollet #return #Venus #quickly



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