Burning Ball of Opposition: Berri’s Controversial Dialogue Proposal Threatens French Envoy’s Mission in Beirut

2023-09-03 05:09:58

An-Nahar newspaper wrote: The picture of the internal scene, in light of the stances raised by Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri’s call three days ago for a seven-day dialogue in the House of Representatives, followed by holding open sessions for the House to elect the President of the Republic, shows that this call and those responses to it increased an additional foundation of your pillars. Obstacles and complications that prevented and will prevent providing a serious opportunity for the success of the mission of the French envoy, Jean-Yves Le Drian, in his next visit to Beirut. About a week before the initial date for Le Drian’s return to Beirut on September 11, doubts increased in the climate and atmosphere that preceded his return, with the image of broad divisions re-emerging over the principle of dialogue and its mechanism as a path, condition, or means to facilitate the election of a president for the republic, which raised many questions and doubts regarding the goals that he sought. Berri pushed for a new dialogue proposal, as long as he knew in advance that the opposition, which refused to respond to Le Drian’s letters, would not be lenient with him.

And if the opposition’s negative responses to Berri’s proposal ended the life of this initiative in its infancy, then there is a conviction among some opposition forces that Berri deliberately did that with his realization in advance that the opposition’s responses would be negative to his proposal, but he wanted to show the opposition’s position as a negative element causing the prolongation of the presidential crisis. Despite the understanding of the opposition’s position on this belief, independent observers fear that Berri, with his attempt, has relatively succeeded in establishing a pessimistic impression among the French and diplomatic missions regarding the possibilities of resolving the crisis and throwing the burning ball into the opposition court.

Therefore, they believe that the period between Le Drian’s return may witness a widespread intensification in the political contest, as the speech that will be delivered this evening, Sunday, by the head of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, will include, as it has become known, decisive and strict positions in rejecting the logic of dialogue before the elections.

However, signs of division regarding Berri’s call for dialogue emerged yesterday, with the head of the Progressive Socialist Party, Representative Taymour Jumblatt, emphasizing “the position of the party and the democratic meeting that always calls for meaningful dialogue, in light of the current political blockage,” expressing his welcome to the upcoming visit of the Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Beshara Al-Rai, to the mountain. Next Friday, “to dedicate the fruits of reconciliation and build on its achievement,” hoping at the same time that “the logic of settlement and reconciliation will prevail in all our disputed national issues.”

#Centralism #Drian #deepest #division #dialogue



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