Victoria Villarruel organized a tribute to the victims of Montoneros and the ERP in the Buenos Aires Legislature

2023-09-02 18:41:00

Victoria Villarruel, the candidate for vice president of Javier Milei, will provide this Monday, September 4, a Tribute to the victims of the attacks by guerrilla groups such as the Montoneros and the People’s Revolutionary Army (ERP). The event will be held in the Buenos Aires legislature and Villarruel will be the main speaker along with the legislator Lucia Montenegro.

The La Libertad Avanza candidate, current national deputy, has been a reference for 20 years in a space called “full memory” that seeks to represent victims and relatives of those who were attacked by armed political organizations during the 1970s.

“Dear friends, we share with you an event to be held on September 4 at the Buenos Aires Legislature in Tribute to victims of terrorism”, says the invitation circulating on social networks.

Criticism from the left to the event organized by Victoria Villarruel

Given this, the Buenos Aires legislator of the FIT-U gabriel solanowho also chairs the Commission Against Violence in the Legislature, repudiated the act called by Villarruel and maintained that both she and Milei “want to prepare the conditions for a pardon for the genocidal dictatorship.” In addition, she anticipated that from her space they are discussing “action measures” for this Monday, although she did not give more details.

“We have no doubt that the activity is part of a campaign to achieve the freedom of these genocides, whom Villarruel has been defending for years, as his name proves in the notebooks that the repressor had. Miguel Etchecolatz”, said the leader of the Partido Obrero in reference to the image published on Twitter this week by the lawyer Guadalupe Godoy, who participated in the trial for the disappearance of López, where you can see a page from a notebook of the genocide that contains an annotation with the Villarruel’s name and telephone number.

For her part, the MST legislator from Buenos Aires, Cele Fierroanticipated: “If denial makes an apology for genocide, we make escrache. Our generation is the validity of Nunca Más. With memory, truth and justice you don’t screw around”. And he added: “It is not by chance that he maintains links with Vox, with (Jair) Bolsonaro and with (José Antonio) Kast who vindicates (Augusto) Pinochet. These events are a provocation that the city Legislature does not have to endorse.”

Horacio Pietragalla: “Villarruel organized visits with young people to go see Videla in his house arrest”

“The only sense this has is to provoke,” added the presidential candidate for the Left Front, Myriam Bregman. “Villaruel visited genocidal, now do you want to visit the legislature to tell regarding it?”, he added.

Villarruel does not recognize himself as a “denier” of the last military dictatorship and maintains that he was active in groups that defend victims of guerrilla groups and seek to reopen cases that are currently prescribed.

The candidate for president of Milei is honorary president of the civil association Center for Legal Studies on Terrorism and its Victims (Celtyv) that carries out these demands. On the other hand, in various interviews she questioned that the corresponding guarantees were not met for the soldiers convicted of genocide and crimes once morest humanity.

She, in case La Libertad Avanza triumphs, will be in charge of preparing the defense and security teams.

How will the tribute prepared by Villarruel be?

According to the announcement shared on social networks, the event is a “Tribute to the victims of terrorism” organized by Villarruel and legislator Lucía Montenegro (from the La Libertad Avanza bloc) with the participation of Arturo Larrabure, son of Argentino del Valle Larrabure , kidnapped and assassinated by the ERP in 1974, Graciela Saraspe and Lorenza Ferrari.

RB / Dog

#Victoria #Villarruel #organized #tribute #victims #Montoneros #ERP #Buenos #Aires #Legislature



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