2023-09-02 03:49:00
As soon as the sad news of the death of Silvina Luna, 43, was known, the Por la Vida y la Salud foundation, of which the model and actress was a part, lamented her death through the statements of its founder, Gabriela Covelli, promoter of the Nicolás Law, whose purpose is to legislate on the safety of patients when entering an operating room. Attentive to what happened with Silvina, Covelli pointed out that the reason Luna ended up being hospitalized was due to “her malpractice of 2011.”
“Silvina has been in our NGO since 2021. She actively participated and supported the Nicolás Law, in fact, she asked for this law in every program she has attended,” said the founder of the NGO For Life and Health.
As will be remembered, Covelli is the mother of Nicolás Deanna, who died at the age of 24 in 2017 as a result of malpractice and “by a doctor who despised his life.”
From this event, he formed the organization and wrote the project of the Nicolás Law on Patient Safety, which was approved in commissions by the Chamber of Deputies.
“They may say that the cause of her death was not malpractice, but I can affirm that the reason why Silvina ended up hospitalized was due to malpractice in 2011,” said the lawyer.
“If the medical colleges had fulfilled their function from the first complaint to Aníbal Lotocki, today we would not regret other deaths and other damages. That is why malpractice must be made visible to raise awareness,” added Covelli.
Regarding this point, Covelli remarked that malpractice is “much more than a criminal and civil definition” and that “we are not once morest doctors who can make ‘a mistake’. We are once morest health professionals who show, as in this case, a total disregard for human life”.
“A doctor who accidentally cuts a wrong artery is not the same as a doctor who never goes back on his mistake and repeats it in several victims, who does not even humanely ask for forgiveness,” he said.
And he assured that families are “re-victimized” with long and endless judicial processes, while “these doctors continue to treat and put the life and health of the population at risk.”
According to the bill promoted by Nicolás’s mother, the regulations establish that the institutions that provide public or private health services will have to “provide their organization with the means to establish action protocols for health personnel, tending to to the prevention of avoidable damage; design audit plans for work systems, evaluation of individual service benefits and monitoring of patient and safety indicators, to improve systems and improve practices”, among other points.
“The law focuses on the control of medical practice and prevention,” concluded Nicolás’s mother.
Silvina Luna died this Thursday, at the age of 43, at the Italian Hospital in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Almagro, where she had been hospitalized since June 13 as a result of a worsening of her state of health, the result of malpractice by the plastic surgeon Aníbal Lotocki, who in 2011 caused methacrylate poisoning that caused hypercalcemia and kidney failure.
Repudiation of trans transvestites. The organization of transvestite people Las Históricas Argentinas also repudiated the death of Silvina Luna and warned regarding the consequences that lead many people to desperate practices of shaping their bodies.
“We repudiate what happened with Silvina Luna, her death due to industrial silicone and these desperate practices that lead women, transvestites and trans to shape their bodies to be part of a stereotype created by a cis hetero system”, published the organization through its social networks.
And he added that, although “Silvina Luna’s case became visible due to its media recognition,” he wondered what happens to all the older trans transvestites who “carry the poison inside their bodies.”
In this sense, he warned that many transvestite and trans women “live with the uncertainty that it will spread in their bodies, due to a blow, a fall, we have countless colleagues who have died from this cause.”
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