my advice to avoid the recovery blues! — Mode and The City

2023-08-30 09:11:16

Hello everyone ! Hope you are doing well and having a great summer! I look forward to seeing you here following my 30 days of digital detox!

Personally, I’ve always loved back to school, but I know that not everyone is as happy as I am regarding getting back to routine following the relaxation and freedom of summer vacation! If you feel a little tired or unmotivated at the end of summer/back from vacation, you may be suffering from a little temporary depression that we call the back-to-school blues! Here m5 tips for regaining energy and motivation at this time:

1 — Enjoy the last pleasures of summer & plan the next break:

Just because back to school has arrived doesn’t mean summer is behind us! On the contrary, the month of September is often synonymous with Indian summer and there are still plenty of festivities to enjoy at this time, outside! Many studies have shown that spending time in nature stimulates our immune system, boosts our creativity and reduces our stress so Jalways try to make the most of it, before autumn invites us to spend time indoors instead.

For example, why not plan a weekend or a day of escape during September ? Thus, you will have the feeling that the holidays are not completely over! Personally, I have already planned some nice activities for the coming weekends, in particular a sailboat trip with friends or an followingnoon picking fruits and vegetables at a farm near my home! It was one of our favorite traditions with Juliette and Vincent when we lived in Paris and it really contributed to my happiness this season 🙂

You can also maintain your holiday habits and preserve moments of relaxation during your evenings during the week or your weekends at the start of the school year: organize aperitifs with friends, read in the sun, play sports outdoors, etc. I had given you ideas for a smooth summer/back to school transition in this post on my blog!

Planning your next break can also be a great mood boost: it can be a long weekend (I’m planning this myself for November), a cultural outing, a day trip or even your next vacation!

2 — Start back to school with a tidy interior:

“Clear your space, clear your mind”. I am absolutely convinced that an orderly, pleasant living (and working) space in which we feel good makes us happier, creative and productive! That’s why I love putting my house in order and I tidy my office religiously every night when I stop working (among other things, I pick up the 12 cups of tea I drank from in the day haha)

In addition to this, I personally find that tidying up is therapeutic : I put on my Airpods and I listen to jazz, it calms me down and clears my head! I love this feeling of inner peace that I feel when I see that everything is “in place”, it’s really important for me. We always talk regarding big spring cleaning but personally I love to do a big tidying up at the beginning of the year (following Christmas, when I take off my decorations) and at the start of the school year. It’s like a reset for me and a way to approach a new moment of life with motivation and serenity!

Why not take advantage of this first back-to-school weekend to take care of it and tackle this period in a pleasant environment? If you’re looking for tips on how to tidy up your home, I recommend you read my article on decluttering. ????

3 — Organize your first weeks of work:

Returning to work can be a bit brutal following a few weeks of vacation! For my part I like to organize my work weeks in a precise and rigorous way, to ensure that I am as efficient as possible and also to preserve my time off. I have been using for almost a year the time-blocking method which has completely revolutionized my daily life. I have the impression of saving hours each week, of being more productive and above all of being able to offer myself more moments of leisure, without guilt.

Immersing myself in this time-blocking routine at the start of the school year allowed me to bring the framework and structure I needed following 30 days of disconnection and I feel super motivated and focused, whereas in past years I sometimes felt like I didn’t know where to start to get back into the swing of things! I highly recommend this method (back to school is the perfect time to try it) and I talk regarding it in detail in this article.

On this subject, my article on self-discipline might interest you too ????

4 —Set new goals:

Back to school is a great time to take on new challenges! Whether it’s learning a new skill, getting back into physical activity, or reading more, I find it super motivating to define some goals and intentions (both pro and personal) for the start of the school year! Some examples: iIntroduce a new sport in your week and test a new sport that you have been wanting for a long time, set up a romantic evening per week to go to the restaurant or the cinema, start a new manual or creative activity or to meditate For example ! Things that take us out of our comfort zone but that give us pleasure too!

For my part, for example, I decided to do an introductory course in horse riding and to test indoor climbing (a real challenge because I have vertigo haha) and I can’t wait to plan all that! And on the professional side, my big challenge for this start of the 2023 school year is the launch of my podcast! Ah!

And you, what are your tips for avoiding the back-to-school blues and finding pleasure in returning to your daily routine?

#advice #avoid #recovery #blues #Mode #City



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