The Future of the United States: A Terrifying Tale of Disintegration and Dictatorship

2023-09-01 19:07:31

Published on September 01, 2023 at 9:07 p.m. Modified on September 01, 2023 at 9:16 p.m.

The writer Douglas Kennedy writes regarding the future of the United States to scare. The New York bestselling author published in June And that’s how we’ll live (Editions Belfond), a science fiction story imagining the disintegration of his country. The action takes place in 2045. After massacres and massive population displacements, two new countries stare at each other. They are separated by a wall and a buffer zone, which refers to Cold War Berlin. The world is turned upside down and democracy is an endangered model.

Neither of the two entities that emerged from the rubble of the United States is enviable. An ultra-religious dictatorship worthy of the Inquisition faces an ultimate technological surveillance system. The new frontiers merge with the current fractures of America. The novel opens with the public execution of a woman accused of blasphemy by the “United Confederacy”, ruled with an iron fist by 12 apostles.

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#Douglas #Kennedy #Americas #hate #situation #Manichean



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